FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: CST
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Sunday - Friday / Weekly preferred / 4 PM till whenever
Term: I'm not picky. It's fairly hard for me to find a stable game with my screwed up sleep schedule.
Voice: I'm comfortable with voice chat. I mostly use Discord, but have little issue with other programs.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
Game System Experience: 5E, Some Pathfinder 1 and 2
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I am very experienced with the use of Fantasy Grounds.

Character Type Preferred: Wanted to run a Jaeger out of the "Guide to the Eldritch Hunt". It's a medium/light armor class that plays like a mix of a Monk and a Battle Master Fighter.
About me: Been playing D&D for a good couple years now, did some forum RP before that. I DM my own game on Saturdays and prefer to play in games that don't lean too heavy towards RP or combat. I've found most parties will swing between the two frequently, so there's little point trying to force it. Haven't actually been able to play in a game recently due to IRL stuff, but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of it.