In the depths of the Nine Hells, where darkness reigns and infernal powers clash, a tale of heroes and villains unfolds. Welcome to Descent into Avernus, the Dungeons & Dragons campaign that will test your courage, wit, and resolve like never before. Assemble your party, for the fate of the city of Baldur's Gate hangs in the balance. Will you rise as champions, or succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume everything in its path? From the twisted streets of Baldur's Gate to the fiery depths of Avernus itself, your adventure awaits. Forge alliances, uncover secrets, and confront the archdevil Zariel in a battle for the ages. Are you ready to face the infernal challenge?

Levels 1-10 starting with session 0.

I am Jerry, I have been a professional GM. I have been a GM for over 8 years. I also work in Larp communities as a professional GM and work for RPG in a castle. I have a fantasy grounds unity ultimate account and all necessary books available. Additional mods to add extra quality of life and effects. Also I do voices, have a voicemod account, and pro syrinscape account.