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  1. #1

    Feats in the featlist has lost their names

    As I was working to prepare my campaign, i suddenly noticed that all the names to the feats in my feat list was gone. However, when I clicked and opened a feat the name was displayed in the feat description. Se attached pictures. It wasn't like this before, so something must have happened to the way feats are listed. And it must have happened pretty recently since last couple of updates or so.
    FeatList.png FeatPower.png

    Any idea what might have happened here and how I might fix this?

  2. #2
    I'm not seeing that on my side. I'm using modules that I made back around 2010, so they definitely haven't changed.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #3
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Are you using any extensions?

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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Are you using any extensions?
    Yes, but no new extensions has been added the last year or so. I have used these datasets for a long time without any hitch. May it have been the updates to how FGU have a unified framework for windows across the different rules sets?

  5. #5
    I did a SVN source control log review of the file, and the field names for have not changed since they were originally added to the source control in 2017.

    Mine are still showing up, so doesn't appear to be a general thing. The field name for that part of the data should be "name" with a type of "string".


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    I did a SVN source control log review of the file, and the field names for have not changed since they were originally added to the source control in 2017.

    Mine are still showing up, so doesn't appear to be a general thing. The field name for that part of the data should be "name" with a type of "string".

    I havent done any changes to the data files..

    Here is the content of the [Content_Types].xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Types xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types"><Default Extension="xml" ContentType="" /><Default Extension="png" ContentType="" /></Types>
    This is the content of the definition.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <root version="2.2">
    And here is the header and the first feat of the db.xml file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <root version="2.2">
    	<reference static="true">
    				<name type="string">Arcane Aegis [Multiclass Swordmage]</name>
    				<source type="string">Other Feat</source>
    				<prerequisite type="string">Any multiclass swordmage feat, paragon multiclassing as a swordmage</prerequisite>
    				<shortdescription type="string">Choose a Swordmage Aegis power. You can use that power once per encounter.</shortdescription>
    				<description type="formattedtext"><table><tr><td><b>Benefit:</b> Choose a Swordmage Aegis power. You can use that power once per encounter.</td></tr></table><p>Published in Arcane Power, page(s) 135.</p></description>
    				<locked type="number">1</locked>
    The funny thing is that when I open the feats list with the button in the menu bar to the right I get a list of feats with their names.


    Edit: I created a new empty 4E campaign with no extensions and only activated the Feats module. The problem are still there.
    Last edited by Starwolf; May 3rd, 2024 at 23:08. Reason: Added some info

  7. #7
    Do you have any unpacked versions of the 4E ruleset (i.e. subfolders) in your rulesets subfolder under the FG data folder? (accessible via button in upper left of FG launch screen)

    Try doing a search for reference.feats.ArcaneAegisMulticlassSwordmage1217 1 to see if there are other references in the module. The place you are looking is where the main records are located when you click on the Feats sidebar button.

    The "Feats" list link you are clicking on is a manually made list that the old parsers used to pull. If "name" is missing/empty in that list, it attempts to pull from target record name.


  8. #8
    I could not find any unpacked versions of the 4e ruleset. The ruleset I got was dated 16th of april this year i think it was.
    I took a new look through the feats dataset and noticed one thing. In the description type Feats has a upper case F, while the all other mentions of feats are in all lower case. Could this be the reason? Attached just a little snippet of the file below.

    <lists static="true">
    			<description type="string">Feats</description>
    					<description type="string">Paragon (606)</description>
    							<link type="windowreference">
    			<name type="string">Feats</name>
    			<categoryname type="string">Character Features</categoryname>
    					<librarylink type="windowreference">
    					<name type="string">Feats (3271)</name>

  9. #9
    Mine looks roughly the same. The name in the library section only refers to the text shown for the book in the Modules window, which is only for display and has nothing to do with lookup.

    I may need to get you to PM me a copy of the module to test out via DropBox/OneDrive/GoogleDrive link.


  10. #10
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Yes it is (95% sure) the extensions. The recent updates have changes the way may windows are defined. If the extensions have not been updated, then they can very well be broken. Not sure why they would not show a value, but that would be my first step to trouble shoot. Turn off all extensions and see if the feat names how up. If so, then re-enable them until you find out which one it is.

    Moon might prove me wrong, but start there

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