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  1. #1

    Powers missing from rule set


    I've been GMing M&M for a few years, on and off, and recently bought the FGU licence so I could use a VTT, rather than a dicebot in discord. I've just tried building one of my characters with the in-built character creator, but there is so much missing (especially powers). Currently, I build the heroes in Herolab Classic, so wanted to bring them into FGU. Alas, it is not to be as some of the powers are quite complicated.

    Is there a plan to update the M&M ruleset in FGU?


  2. #2
    I'm not aware of a Character Creator in M&M at this time. The powers are loaded when the core rulebook module is loaded into FG and accessible from the sidebar Powers button.

    Screenshot 2022-08-19 075322.png
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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  3. #3
    Hi superteddy57

    Thanks for the reply. The M&M character creator does exist (it at least keeps tabs of PP spent and so on), and I eventually worked out the drag and drop method (after a bit of trial and error). Problem is that there are a lot of powers missing from the powers list. Some you can just add in manually, but there are some that are quite complex, so would be better coded in to work to the rule set. This is why I was wondering whether the list would be updated/added to at some point.

  4. #4
    Are those missing powers from the 3rd edition Hero's Handbook?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Are those missing powers from the 3rd edition Hero's Handbook?
    I honestly have no idea. I use Herolab to create characters and NPCs...

    The power I was trying to use was 'Multiple Effects'

  6. #6
    This ruleset is on the older side. It's actually the second oldest. The data provided is the data that was available with the materials at the time. At this time, the ruleset is in maintenance mode and that means no further expansion of the ruleset. It does receive maintenance to continue working with the latest version of FGU. So, I'm not sure about expanding the powers list to include anything added in after the module was created. I'm not even able to locate this power with the materials I was able to locate. Can you provide me with a page reference of where it would be in the core rulebook?
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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  7. #7
    I can't tell you that, I'm afraid. As I said, I'm using Herolab. I was trying to attach a screenshot of what I'm looking at, but I don't seem to be able to attach files (I get stuck in a login loop until it eventually tells me I don't have approval to a page) or paste a screenshot, sorry. Awkwardly, the power description doesn't have the book and page it is from in it.
    Last edited by umbralwarrior; August 19th, 2022 at 15:25.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by umbralwarrior View Post

    I've been GMing M&M for a few years, on and off, and recently bought the FGU licence so I could use a VTT, rather than a dicebot in discord. I've just tried building one of my characters with the in-built character creator, but there is so much missing (especially powers). Currently, I build the heroes in Herolab Classic, so wanted to bring them into FGU. Alas, it is not to be as some of the powers are quite complicated.

    Is there a plan to update the M&M ruleset in FGU?

    Quote Originally Posted by umbralwarrior View Post
    I honestly have no idea. I use Herolab to create characters and NPCs...

    The power I was trying to use was 'Multiple Effects'
    One point of clarification: by the M&M Character Creator, I think you may be referring to the Character Sheet, that has various tabs like Main, Combat, Skills, Equipment and Notes?

    So I checked FGU M&M ruleset and HeroLabs (HL). Multiple Effects is a "Power" in HL but it's not an actual power in the 3e M&M core rules. If you read it, it allows you to put multiple Power Effects into one Power. I believe its purpose is a database structure one. Otherwise, each Power Effect would appear as separate Powers.

    FGU doesn't need that. As you've found out, you can create a Power in the Character Sheet under the Combat tab and drag and drop multiple Power Effects (and Extras/Flaws) into it.

    There is a task bar button called Powers. And I think that's what you've been referring to. There isn't that many, as the 3e M&M core rules didn't have that many. Instead, you can create any number of Powers through a combination of Power Effects, Extras and Flaws.

    FGU does calculate costs and I've found usually in a correct manner. But I do use HL as a double check.
    Last edited by Ryuson; August 21st, 2022 at 00:22. Reason: Clarified creating Powers in Combat tab

  9. #9
    Thank you for your replies

    Much appreciated

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