Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    I would love to get ahold of them. I feel this game doesn't get the attention it deserves.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by chronoknight420 View Post
    I would love to get ahold of them. I feel this game doesn't get the attention it deserves.
    Private Message ddavidson here on these forums for more info.
    Last edited by DrakosDJ; April 9th, 2020 at 04:51.

  3. #13
    it said the following user can't be found.

  4. #14
    It's ddavison you want, you're talking to him in the other thread about M&M.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by chronoknight420 View Post
    it said the following user can't be found.
    Sorry, I mistyped the name, added and extra d. it should be ddavison

  6. #16
    Just starting to looking at running Mutant and Masterminds on Fantasy grounds. I bought both packages. Long time Champions (really mostly dnd but did a lot of champions) I am wondering if I buy hero labs, can I import characters from that into Fantasy Grounds?

    I guess another question, is the test version live or is there still a test version I should look at? The game system looks interesting.
    GM Ultimate license

    Running The DemonPlague (module in the forge) Characters at level 16.

    Running a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Savage Worlds Super game in FGU

    Running a game of StarFinder.

    Waiting on Children of the Atom

    Playing Champions with Extension from the Forge.

  7. #17
    The test version is currently live and now the main ruleset for the system. Hero Lab characters can't be imported into FG. They would have to be made by hand within FG.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  8. #18
    Another question.. Can I just do test stream for M&M? I run a lot of DND games.. I would rather not be on test stream for 5e and other games.
    GM Ultimate license

    Running The DemonPlague (module in the forge) Characters at level 16.

    Running a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Savage Worlds Super game in FGU

    Running a game of StarFinder.

    Waiting on Children of the Atom

    Playing Champions with Extension from the Forge.

  9. #19
    I don't quite understand your question. Can you elaborate on it for me?
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

    How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it-How to zip up your campaign if the Developers ask for it

    How to provide an Unity Connection issue?-Connection Issues and What to Provide

    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  10. #20
    Sure, Sorry I wasn't clear. I assume I have to change to the Test version of FG for the new version of Mutants & Masterminds? Was I reading that correctly? If not, how do I get the new test version of M&M?
    GM Ultimate license

    Running The DemonPlague (module in the forge) Characters at level 16.

    Running a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Savage Worlds Super game in FGU

    Running a game of StarFinder.

    Waiting on Children of the Atom

    Playing Champions with Extension from the Forge.

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