Campaign Builder: Dungeons and Ruins
I'm a little confused with how this book was converted.
It seems to be listed in the store as a 5E module instead of a Tales of the Valiant/Black Flag module (which is odd because it contains a Mechanist Subclass, something that is unique to the blackflag based 5e games, and these subclasses are for ToV class progressions, it has heritages listed as well) and it only has one module that isn't loadable by players (which again is odd, because it contains player options like ToV subclasses, heritages, backgrounds that have Talents,etc,....this is a ToV book).
The hard cover copy I have has the ToV and 5E symbol on it.
Regardless of the odd game listing (I get it's all supposed to be compatible, even if this book uses ToV style syntax and rules) this really needs a player module.