Conversion between ruleset question
I am wondering what is allowable for offering mainly adventure conversions from one system to another.
For me, I am interested in doing conversions of 1E/2E adventures to PFrpg/3.5. I did it in house for 1 adventure but I KNOW it can't be shared as I modified the 2e Module itself, so major Copyright issues beyond my personal table.
What I was wondering is, could I take say Castle Amber which I own in FG and create a Mod that links to the original 2e adventure for all text and map content but creates new system friendly encounters and parcels (I think that really about all that needs changed).
I know that universal mod extension would need to be used so the 2e adventure could be loaded alongside the mod. But I am unsure if the original map could be made to link to the new encounters and such. so potential buyers would need to own the original adventure, load universal mod & own the conversion mod for it to work.
What If I redid the map in dungeon alchemist, Same map but completely made from scratch in DA. then I could add the pins and have them use that map instead.
ultimately I guess the simple questions are:
1 Are conversions allowed?
2 can the creator charge for them?
3 if so, would it be a store or a Forge situation (or DMsGuild)?
4 can maps be created for the conversion that are the same but made new?