Anyone done an extension to allow the initiative modifier to be changed from Dexterity to another stat modifier for a house rule scenario (i.e. Why should wizards always act last if their brains work the fastest?)? omegle xender
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This has been asked before. You don't really need an extension to do this. Assuming 5E - on the Main tab, hold down control and roll the mouse while over the Init value and change it to whatever you need.
No extension that I've heard of. Relatively speaking would seem to be fairly simple though would require LUA scripting to accomplish and not just xml (which would also be needed to create a new option/switch/indicator).
As a work around for a single character, you can also just give them an Effect if you want to be able to track it more than just blindly changing the value like Grigore describes. Such as; "Int as Init; INIT:2"