Share/Unshare All by record type/List
Good morning folks,
I apologize if this is a bone-head question (I'm quite new), but the tuts, vids, and posts I've read through only seem to deal with sharing to players on a per-record basis.
How does/can a GM share all records in a specific list at once? For instance, I'm GMing a Fallout 2d20 campaign and I've got a player prone to poking around where he shouldn't (NPC lists, story lists, etc) so I don't share the game module. However, I need to share, at minimum, the Perks lists otherwise players can't level up. There are hundreds of Perks though. Is there a way to mass share all records in the perks list so I don't have to RMB share each one? Or conversely, share the module then mass unshare the Story and NPC lists?