Ability check table?
I'd like to be able to create tables where a given PC can make and ability check and then based on the roll (plus modifiers) the table outputs the result - similar to what is on the party sheet, but with an associated results table.
Can I create this in FG or is anyone aware of a extension which would have this functionality?
It looks like I can get most of the way there by manually plugging in the ability or skill modifier in the custom field of a table and make the roll myself, but I would prefer the players get to make the roll and then I (or we depending on output visibility) see the results in chat.
As an example - a 'Simple Lock Table' with either a set or configurable DC. PC can make a Dexterity check and I can get a variety of results based on that roll.
You'd need an extension as you say; I'm not aware of such an extension existing. Technically it would be fairly complex if you wanted the Player to make a roll and have that output something from a table on the DM side.
Why not just have random tables for the skills? Have the player do the check as normal and then you roll on the appropriate table for results (i.e. a table for success, one for failure, etc). It won't be automated, but it won't require an extension either.