I want to start using sounds. I've followed the directions and it's not working or at least not as I expected. I subscribed to Syrinscape, I did the authorization with my account. The web import did nothing, button just pressed nothing happened. So I did the CSV import and everything showed up. Did the whole web authorization and invite players that all worked.
So I clicked on the players link and got the webplayer, made sure sounds were allowed. Got back into FGU click the play button on a sound and nothing happened. I tried to use music as I assumed once I hit play on that button it would change to a stop, nope hit it goes back to play in a milisecond.
What I'm looking to do is just click sounds when I want from within FGU so they play. I was hoping they would play within FGU without the use of an outside players. So here are my questions.
1. Why isn't my connection to Syrinscape working, why will nothing play in the above scenario
2. If I were to buy FG sound packs, where do those sound "play" from? Is there still a janky webplayer involved?
3. If I import my own sounds will that allow me to do what I want.
4. Can sounds be assigned to events? This might be further in the documentation that I haven't gotten to since I can't even get them to play right now.
I'm hoping I can do what I want with the Syrinscape subscription or else I just subscribed for 6 months for nothing.
Help greatly appreciated.