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  1. Official Free Fantasy Grounds Game Days

    101 Threads
    119 Posts

    March 15th Game Day

    Yesterday, 00:17 by GregRex

  2. Conventions (246 Viewing)

    FG Con starts Friday, April 16th and runs through Sunday April 18th, 2021

    322 Threads
    5,143 Posts

    When is the next FG Con?

    October 3rd, 2024, 00:57 by Laerun

  3. A place for all to schedule events for the convention, work through logistics and request specific games or demos.

    197 Threads
    3,604 Posts

    When is the next FG Con?

    October 3rd, 2024, 00:57 by Laerun

  4. FGDaze (32 Viewing)

    Information for the FGDaze 1-day online gaming conventions.

    114 Threads
    1,484 Posts

    Scheduling next FG Daze?

    January 21st, 2020, 00:42 by damned

  5. General info on what you need to schedule, participate or host Adventurer League games for D&D.

    565 Threads
    3,591 Posts

    Game Day is Back!

    February 1st, 2025, 08:44 by Jiminimonka

  6. LFG - Looking for Group (503 Viewing)

    A board for finding games, announcing campaigns and scheduling play times. Please link games to the Game Calendar for Recruiting.

    16,676 Threads
    108,919 Posts
  7. Paid Games (42 Viewing)

    Post new Paid Games here or request a game to be run that you are willing to pay a GM to run for you.

    894 Threads
    2,939 Posts

    [Paid][LFP][D&D 2024...

    February 27th, 2025, 22:39 by bwatford

  8. One-Shot Games (12 Viewing)

    Short game sessions that can be played within 4-6 hours over a single session.

    652 Threads
    3,257 Posts

    The Eternal Wanderer

    Yesterday, 03:40 by shezingzh

  9. General Info and Recruiting for playing Pathfinder Organized Play

    915 Threads
    23,294 Posts

    *** Game Announcement thread...

    February 12th, 2025, 22:45 by stephan_

  10. General Info and Recruiting for playing Starfinder Organized Play

    250 Threads
    2,913 Posts

    LF 4-6 Players SFS Fri 6 pm...

    January 14th, 2025, 03:19 by asidesolar

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