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Harold D

question for the hivemind

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I justt got fantasy grounds i try make my own background but i dont see the little tab at bot right to make backgrounds. i have ultimate license. do i need something else? what a my missing to be able create my own npc and other sutff?

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  1. LordEntrails's Avatar
    You'll find better help in the forums than in the blogs. And the forum specific to your interested ruleset is the best place yet. I'm guessing your using the 5E D&D ruleset, the appropriate forum for support these types of questions is here;

    In general, you would want to make sure to click the Edit icon in the Backgrounds list so that you will then get the icons for creating new backgrounds etc. But, you can also right click and select the icon for create new item and create a new background from there.
Fantasy Grounds Merchandise

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