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Reference Manual Theming? Success!

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Since pretty much every project I do involves the CoreRPG Reference Manual feature, and I like things as pretty as possible, I thought I'd take a shot at theming the refmanual -- and only the refmanual. That's actually tricky because almost every window template in FG uses the "groupbox" frame so if I changed that one texture, BAM, every single window now uses that texture. Which in the case of what I was doing with Castles & Crusades, looked wonky as hell.

So I ended up having to create two new frames. Which was cool in the sense of "hey, I made something!" I had considered submitting it to Moon Wizard for inclusion in the base CoreRPG code but after seeing how the window templates are made, I can't think of a way to have this and not break all the refmanuals that already exist and I don't think the guys at SmiteWorks want to run through the source code doing a find/replace on umpteen products. So... I guess we'll just leave it as a theme extension thing.

Anyway, my goal was: since Castles & Crusades is officially licensed and I've had a few communications with some of the folks at Troll Lord Games and they're wanting to build their audience on Fantasy Grounds, to see if I could get the refmanual to look as closely as possible to the official PDFs without changing all the rest of the FG windows.

Here's the Player's Handbook PDF next to my new refmanual theme for C&C then that same page popped out into its own window to see the default style (which you can also see in my previous blog entry for U1):

Oh, and yeah I'm also doing a revamp of CS1 After Winter's Dark as you can see here. It's been finished for awhile just waiting for me to go back and add in the search keywords. ::grumble:: Hope to get it out soon so C&C players can enjoy the content!

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  1. GunbunnyFuFu's Avatar
    Holy smokes Talyn, that looks just like the book! Fantastic job!!
  2. Zhern's Avatar
    Have to agree with GunbunnyFuFu - looks fantastic!
  3. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Agree, nice work. Looks really well coordinated.
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