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Cheating In Solo Play

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I'm not gonna say don't cheat, it's up to you. It's YOUR game, YOUR rules. BUT... Cheating only steals from your fun in the long run. If you still wanna do it: Although, all game rules give you a foundation to set your experience upon to keep things balanced, at least bend or break these rules in Solo Play with a touch on the Law side of things.

# Godlike PC

* If your dream is to play a **godlike** character and cheese combat encounters, at least give it a background story and fit your encounters according to the story. You can even turn it into a quest by angering some gods or armies, and as a punishment, they take your powers or imprison you. Then you can play a level 1 PC with the knowledge and ambition of a level 20 PC with a plan to revenge!

# Immortal PC

* If you're too attached to your character, you can **Dark Souls** your game even WITHOUT the undead-ness. Call your character "Ashen One" who can't die, but every time they die, they have to respawn in a checkpoint that you determined in Prep Phase. Or not. Play a character who is just too angry to die, if you wish! Just like the Doom Guy. But think about the WHYs and HOWs of it to keep your game believable.

# All-Knowing PC

* If you want your character to **know everything**, and I mean EVERYTHING, including meta-game and/or Real World knowledge, give it a reason. Maybe the PC was just a normal person who is sucked into a magical world. Maybe some Aboleth telepathically feeding them info for its own sinister reasons. Maybe your PC's mind unwillingly tapped / connected into some data source...

If you want to base your Solo Sessions on chaotic rulebreaker PCs, no one can stop you. Whatever kind of cheat you want, give it a reason and purpose BUT also think about its consequences in your world to have the sense of a real game.

# Vent in Solo Play. But don't bring your cheats into Group Games.

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Updated September 1st, 2024 at 02:00 by Tempered7

Solo Play with FGU


  1. Tempered7's Avatar

    If you want to vent off by using above methods in a more law breaker style, there are some tips for that too;

    # Godlike PC /SUPER-SAIYAN mode on

    As in above statement BUT your powers are not just coming back to you in mysterious moments but they are also SUPER-CHARGED when they come back.

    • You don't have to level all the way back to 20.
    • Just find out what causes these mysterious breaks and use it to your advantage. (i.e: create this content with freeform association or random tables, dice rolls).
    • Determine the supercharge moments, their durations, etc with any randomization means to your liking. i.e: super strength for fighter, x2 dmg for spells, etc.
    • Weave this into your narrative however you wish.

    # Immortal PC /IDKFA

    Whatever means of destruction or weapons you can imagine is yours with unlimited ammo / durability. The limit is your imagination! BUT the more you destruct stuff the less effective your weapons & powers become -until they completely turn harmless no matter what you do.

    • Use a real world timer for this cheat run. Like a snooze timer that alarms at certain intervals. i.e: top 25 mins run = 5 mins intervals.
    • Every 5 min interval your weapons become significantly less effective as you destruct stuff.
    • Start by giving yourself 20% bonus in attack & damage.
    • At first 5 min tick, decrease the bonus by 5% = it's now 15% bonus
    • At 10 th min = Decrease it another 5% now it's total of 10% bonus
    • At 15th min = Decrease it 15% this time = Now you have 5% penalty to your attacks & damage.
    • When you're close to 20th minute, give yourself a 5% penalty this time = total of 10% penalty.
    • Lastly, when the clock ticks the 25th min, your weapons become ineffective whatever you do.

    # All-Knowing PC /There_is_No_Spoon

    You *know* kung-fu. Yes, even if you're playing a level 1 PC. Because in your world there is no spoon. With your knowledge, you can bend the reality to your will. BUT

    • Anything & EVERYTHING in the reality -be it alive or inanimate- has a 50/50 chance to resist to your bending powers.
    • Flip a coin each time after you try to change the reality that affects living beings or inanimate objects; IF you roll low they resist, IF you roll high they bend.
    • Resist doesn't mean immune; you can try again but only after 1 minute in real time. [Keep a timer].
    • If you try to bend them to your will again, this time they have a right to counter you with their own will. i.e: They too can try to bend you with 50/50 chance.
    • If they can succesfully counter you, they gain immunity to your will.
    • If they fail, your will gets realized.
    • In case they fail and you try to bend them to your will for the 3rd and last time, there is a 20% chance of magical anomalies can occur (20 and low on d100). You decide what it is and play it accordingly.
    Updated Yesterday at 18:24 by Tempered7

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