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Mythic GM Emulator

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Mythic's Fate Chart v1
can be found in here for free:
This is NOT the whole Mythic EMU but only the automatized d100 Fate Chart in it. Usage at the bottom.

# Scenes

Scenes are the framework of the Mythic GM Emulator. They are the smallest unit of time in terms of story -> adventure -> campaign. Their purpose is to divide your campaign into controllable small pieces to keep record of your session.

Before a scene starts and after the scene ends, you take note of Scene Setup, NPCs in the scene, and Scene Goal, briefly.

Scene Setup is a 1 sentence description of your current scene. And a Scene Goal is the purpose of your PC in the scene. When a scene goal is resolved (either by failing or achieving it), the scene ends and you move on the next scene.

# Chaos Factor

This is the measurement of how your PC is in control of what is going on in a scene. It starts at 5 and goes up after a scene ends if the event gets out of your PCs control, or goes down if your PC regains the control. Higher the number, more likely to get a YES answer for a question in your story. Therefore, it is more likely to create action with high Chaos Levels. Update it at the beginning of each scene once.

# The Odds

This is the Likelihood Modifier of MYTHIC GM Emu. Likelihood refers to how likely or unlikely to get a YES answer to your question. It modifies your roll to add or subtract certain amount of number from the d100 roll and make it more or less likely to get a Yes answer.

  • NEGATIVE: Impossible, No Way, Very Unlikely, Unlikely. Chose one of these if you think likelihood of the answer to your question is in the negative line.
  • EQUAL: 50/50. Chose this if you don't have any idea how likely a yes answer to your question is.
  • POSITIVE: Somewhat Likely, Very Likely, Likely, Near Sure Thing, A Sure Thing, Has to Be. You got the point.

# Events

The Engine may also return an Event, an unexpected twist that arises from the question die roll and the current Chaos number. The _Create an Event_ button can be used to force the generation of a Mythic GM event. Events are a handy way to add color or provide inspiration for explaining a question or situation.

# Event Focus

These are self descriptive random event types in case the scene you're playing is altered. I'll only add my comments to them instead of descriptions, below. The Engine decides this itself depending on some variables. You'll decide the actual content of the random event by using Freeform Association with the 2 words from the Event Meaning results.

  • Remote event: Something important happened outside of the place your PC is in. Your PC may or may not know about it.
  • NPC action: A NPC did something. You decide which NPC.
  • Introduce a new NPC: Keeping a handy Random NPC generator is a way to go. Here is one for D&D:
  • Move toward a thread: Thread means "goal" of a scene. More precisely, your PC's goal in a scene.
  • Move away from a thread: Just (randomly) decide an obstacle against the goal of a scene.
  • Close a thread: Whatever was the goal, it's either done, or failed.
  • PC negative: Bad luck for PC.
  • PC positive: Good luck for PC.
  • NPC negative: Randomly decide which NPC.
  • NPC positive: Randomly decide which NPC.
  • Ambiguous event: This is just a minor event that doesn't have any big impact on a scene or PC's lives. For flavor.

# Event Meaning

These are just 2 random words to link and interpret as I'll explain in Freeform Association section. You'll just apply it to your Event Focus, depending on the Context. If this is your first scene, your PC is your Context.

# Usage

  1. Choose a Chaos Level depending on the scene: It starts at 5. Leave it at that if you're not sure.
  2. Determine a Context. Such as the state of your PC, or a snippet of a story.
  3. Frame a YES / NO Question in your mind
  4. EXAMPLE: My Rogue PC enters a tavern and scans the room to find his contact. Does he see anyone acting suspicious?
  5. Adjust The Odds according to how likely or unlikely a Yes Answer to your question could be. Again, it depends on the context. If your tavern is full of low lives it is very likely.
  6. Hit Ask a Question button:
  7. At the bottom, it will generate an answer:
  8. If it says No, then ask more questions until you create content / action / drama.
  9. If it gives you an event focus: Go back to read event focus part to add it to your scene.
  10. Reason for "Meaning: 2 random words" is to inspire you to give your scene flavor. Link the two words in an interpretive way with your Event Focus and Context in mind to determine what happens in your scene.
  11. Interpret the content that you created with context -> focus -> meaning chain to determine what happens in a scene.
  12. Roleplay it in any Mode of Play.

# Full Mythic v2 FGU Module

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Updated September 18th, 2024 at 00:54 by Tempered7

Solo Play Resources


  1. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDIT: "Meaning: 2 random words" is to inspire you to give your scene flavor. Link the two words by using Freeform Association in an interpretive with your Event Focus and Context in mind to determine what happens in your scene.

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