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Fantasy Grounds Game Sessions through May 2020

Rating: 4 votes, 4.00 average.
The last blog report had a data issue that has been resolved. If you are looking at old data, please use the updated version posted to the blog for comparison purposes.

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  1. bmos's Avatar
    I'm curious; What constitutes a session?
    If I open/close FG repeatedly during extension development, is this a session? Only when users are connected?
  2. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos
    I'm curious; What constitutes a session?
    If I open/close FG repeatedly during extension development, is this a session? Only when users are connected?
    Assuming the same as previous, I believe the session has to last 45 minutes with at least one player connected. But don't remember precisely.
  3. Nylanfs's Avatar
    We need an updated usage blog.
  4. bmos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs
    We need an updated usage blog.
    I was just thinking that recently!
    Graphs please 🥺👉👈
  5. Nylanfs's Avatar
    This is one area that Adam could focus on. A better more automated way to have these stats created, I gather that it's more of a manual process right now.
  6. damned's Avatar
    I imagine part of the issue with publishing new stats is that they are unlikely to come close to the rosy stats published during lockdowns. Otherwise - very much - yes - these stats help us understand a little bit of the reality of what systems are actually getting played.
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