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Fantasy Grounds Game Stats for 2018 Q2

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Check out the latest trends in RPGs on Fantasy Grounds. D&D 5th edition games saw a 50% increase from the beginning of the reporting period (July 2017)! Pathfinder had a great increase of 29% in a similar timeframe.

What are your biggest surprises here?

2018-03 Games by Ruleset in 12 months.JPG

2018-03 FG Rulesets Trends in last 6 months.JPG

2018-03 Top Games by Ruleset.JPG

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Updated July 31st, 2018 at 18:43 by ddavison

Tags: stats


  1. LordEntrails's Avatar
    Biggest surprise for me is how little growth there is in non 5E. Does someone have reference of when PF was licensed on FG? And what about Starfinder?
  2. Raddu's Avatar
    Pathfinder was released on May 02, 2017 according to the PF Core Rulebook product page.
  3. damned's Avatar
    Raddu - I think you mean Starfinder?
    The Starfinder ruleset did not come out as quickly on Fantasy Grounds.
  4. ddavison's Avatar
    We licensed Pathfinder in 2017 and had the first official product on May 02, 2017. Starfinder didn't launch until Feb 9, 2018.

    Pathfinder had been out for a very long time and I suspect many people who play it already chose how they wanted to run it.
  5. damned's Avatar
    Doh! Of course - I forgot about the official Pathfinder release.
  6. GavinRuneblade's Avatar
    I'm surprised so many people still play 3.5, I figured more of them would have moved to other editions especially to pathfinder. Seeing that many people who still play Rolemaster made my heart happy, TK Amthor is still my favorite worldbuilder. And I had no idea savage worlds was so popular, that's cool to see.

    How are these numbers calculated? Like, is every time I open one of my campaigns to develop it and prepare for my next session being tracked as a full game session or only when players connect?
  7. damned's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade
    I'm surprised so many people still play 3.5, I figured more of them would have moved to other editions especially to pathfinder. Seeing that many people who still play Rolemaster made my heart happy, TK Amthor is still my favorite worldbuilder. And I had no idea savage worlds was so popular, that's cool to see.

    How are these numbers calculated? Like, is every time I open one of my campaigns to develop it and prepare for my next session being tracked as a full game session or only when players connect?
    It tracks games that a client computer connects to via the Alias.
    If they connect via direct IP or Hamchi for example they dont get counted.
    If you are just prepping it doesnt count.
  8. Ctmega's Avatar
    Interesting... I'll need to encourage my players to use the alias. We have typically used my static IP. Not that I think my usage alone would significantly impact the metrics, but I do run quite a few Non-5E games.

    Thanks for sharing this guys!
  9. Mortar's Avatar
    You know, that's a whole lot of people enjoying their favorite hobby on FG!
  10. Prozacco's Avatar
    Well presented!
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