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  1. Free Tileset - FlexTale's FlexCrawl Theme Pack DNG-01

    I found this small dungeon crawl map / tiles set (PDF + images) in Drivethrurpg and it is currently free.
    Images are high res so they need to be downscaled to be used in FGU.
    It comes with a PDF book that explains what is what. But of course, it's not a FGU module.
    You can use it as a Solo Dungeon Crawler with the rules from the PDF, or use the tiles in FGU Map Tool to create your own dungeon.

    What's Included

    Each FlexCrawl Theme Pack features:

    Updated Yesterday at 06:09 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
  2. Free PDF - SoloDark, Solo Rules for Shadowdark RPG

    Finally learned how to add youtube videos to blog posts! *insert success kid meme*

    I already added this video to the Gameplay Examples but it needs its own entry because The Arcane Library is so generous to provide us this beauty for free. SoloDark: Solo Rules for Shadowdark RPG (PDF). This 12-page PDF booklet gives you the resources, roll tables, and alternate rules you need to play Shadowdark RPG by yourself, without a Game Master.

    EDIT: I just

    Updated Yesterday at 06:08 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
  3. Free PDF - Alone Against The Flame - Call of Cthulhu Solo

    I'm taking a break from my one-man-crusade against botminators to write about my first solo resource recommendation in Call of Cthulhu setting. It's a free PDF from Chaosium website in the style of Choose Your Own Adventure. It's NOT a FGU module but it has links to the pages you should go depending on your choices. It's published in August 2016, so I'm a bit late to the party but better late than never.

    It is a horror story set in the 1920s where you are the main character, and your ...

    Updated February 15th, 2025 at 03:18 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
  4. Free Oracle - Mythic GM Emulator's Fate Chart v1

    Mythic's Fate Chart v1
    can be found in here for free:
    This is NOT the whole Mythic EMU but only the automated d100 Fate Chart in it. Usage is at the bottom.

    # Scenes

    Scenes are the framework of the Mythic GM Emulator. They are the smallest unit of time in terms of story -> adventure -> campaign. Their purpose is to divide your campaign into controllable small pieces to keep record of your session.


    Updated Yesterday at 06:08 by Tempered7

    Solo Play Resources
Fantasy Grounds Merchandise

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