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  1. Irvine's Sixty Ways to Create Conflict

    There is a fantasy writer by the name Ian Irvine. He has a website that has full of EXCELLENT writing methods. Since one of his topics is related to mine, I will only list these ways and link his site here for further info on HOWs: And if you want more than Bad Guy vs. PC conflict, here's more conflict types.

    ## General Ways to Create Conflict

    1. Create inherently conflicting characters.
    2. ...

    Updated August 13th, 2024 at 10:40 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  2. Why & How to Utilize Story Mechanics

    In Mechanics of Game Story, I briefly mentioned which elements of game story you can use to create an exciting flow for your scenes. Now, let's expand on it.

    # WHY

    "It all starts with a desire. A desire to have..."
    Your PC's goals are your goals as the sole player in the solo game world. But just a PC trying to achieve a goal does not CREATE enough material for a STORY. When you add NPC goals that intermingle with PC's goals, you can create more INTERACTION. ...

    Updated August 29th, 2024 at 09:06 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  3. Solo Gameplay Videos

    For now, I'll end this guide with video examples of Solo Play from all over Youtube. Each one of them are part of a series, and each episode consists of 1 or 2 scenes. Mostly 20-40 minutes long. EDIT: I left the playlist links under videos if available.

    The Arcane Library's SoloDark Episode 1: Aberrant Attack

    Note: Good blend of narration of dialogues & speaking in character, excellent question choices for flow, and perfect incorporation of back story into combat at ...

    Updated September 1st, 2024 at 00:55 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  4. Cheating In Solo Play

    I'm not gonna say don't cheat, it's up to you. It's YOUR game, YOUR rules. BUT... Cheating only steals from your fun in the long run. If you still wanna do it: Although, all game rules give you a foundation to set your experience upon to keep things balanced, at least bend or break these rules in Solo Play with a touch on the Law side of things.

    # Godlike PC

    * If your dream is to play a **godlike** character and cheese combat encounters, at least give it a background ...

    Updated September 1st, 2024 at 01:00 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
  5. Adjudication and Rules in Solo Play

    # Game Rules (including Rule of Cool) VS. Realism VS. Narrative

    No need to establish rules for the rules;

    • Work with what you have at hand. Don't break a game session because you need something. Make it up. Your only limitation is your imagination.
    • Choose when to utilize game rules, IRL realism or narrative theater of mind, or even rule of cool, for the continuity of the game, while playing.
    • Or be strict and have permadeath with hardcore rules if that is more

    Updated August 13th, 2024 at 10:28 by Tempered7

    Solo Play with FGU
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