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  1. Sidebar: Map Scale - Size does matter! (Part 2 of 2)

    This is a continuation of the previous post about map size. It turns out blog size is important too, and the full post exceeded the allowable size, so I had to split it. You can see part one here...

    Map Area

    The other factor that influences the size of a map file is the size of the area your map covers. You’ve probably already figured out that, if all other factors are equal, a map that’s 50 squares on a side is four times as large as one that’s 25
    Tags: mapping, tokens
  2. Sidebar: Mapping Scale - Size does matter! (Part 1 of 2)

    Today’s entry isn’t specifically about my group’s journey from a physical tabletop, to long hiatus, to a virtual tabletop with Fantasy Grounds. But my last post about tokens raised some points about scaling that I wanted to explore further. This will be a long post, so get something to drink, settle into a comfy chair and let’s get started.

    If you frequent the Fantasy Grounds forum, you’ll see people discuss map size from time to time. Usually the discussion centers around the
    Tags: mapping, tokens
  3. Reuniting the Band: A Token Effort

    Now that I had workable maps, it was time to get some tokens. Back in the day, when my group used to play face-to-face we were using 1st edition AD&D rules, and minis and battle maps weren’t terribly necessary. Back in those days I was a poor college student (and then a poor University employee) and I couldn’t afford to purchase minis. I had a few, but I also lacked the talent to paint them well, so I never used them, and none of my friends used minis either. I did have some cardboard figures ...
    Tags: reuniting, tokens
  4. Project: Zombicide - Day 4

    Welcome to Day 4!

    Today it's time to populate the board with... TOKENS!

    Zombicide's appeal in part stems from all those nifty miniatures appearing on the board (My huge box of Zombicide stuff arrived this week, so I can tell from first-hand experience now ;-)). For the virtual table top that doesn't work so well.

    Fortunately Zombicide provides all the graphics you need. Once again the regular card board tokens you need to set up the missions are already ...
    Tags: tokens, zombicide

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