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  1. Let’s Use the Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options Extension

    Setting Default Visibilities for Conditional Effects (e.g. Prone)

    This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. The series index can be found here.

    As with nearly every preceding blog post I start out contrasting FG with and without EVOE. Why break tradition? A portion of the GM’s Effect Manager Utility and Combat Tracker are shown in each of the two panels in the first screenshot.. The upper panel displays information without using EVOE, the lower panel ...
  2. Let’s Use the Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options Extension

    EVOE Demands Better Role Playing

    This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. The series index can be found here.

    I’m going to detour a little from my usual this time and talk about how EVOE asks more of me, the DM, in terms of role playing. My shortcomings became readily apparent this past weekend when our group play tested the next version of EVOE.

    I have a great group; how could they not be: two of the players are my mid-twenty-year-old ...
  3. Let’s Use the Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options Extension

    Displaying The Defender's Effects

    This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. An index can be found here.

    In this article, I’ll discuss effects that the target of an attack, i.e. the defender, would use that influence the Hit or Miss of an attack roll and EVOE’s impact on what players see. These effects include AC and COVER.

    Now for a few examples to illustrate the usefulness and caveats of EVOE.

    Throughout this series ...
  4. Let’s Use the Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options Extension

    Displaying The Attacker’s Effects

    This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. An index can be found here.

    In this article and the next, I’ll discuss the Combat Tracker effects that change or modify the result of an attack dice roll and EVOE’s impact on what players see. Typically an attack is a simple roll of a 1d20 die. There are base modifiers such as the attacking character’s strength ability and proficiency bonus. Sometimes dexterity contributes ...
  5. Let’s Use the Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options Extension

    Effect Display in the Player‘s Combat Tracker

    This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. An index can be found here.

    Effects can be added to the Combat Tracker in a multitude of ways. They can be added using the Effects Manager button in the upper right corner of FG’s desktop. The GM can add an effect using the little green “Add Effects” button in the Combat Tracker. Or a player can inflict or target another character with an effect using the Actions ...

    Updated November 3rd, 2016 at 15:27 by Minty23185Fresh (Very minor typo change.)

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