Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. Getting my feet wet

    So to start off with I am an old hack when it comes to computers and role playing games.... have been farting around with both since about 1983. Yes I am an old fart! However I have nadda experience in VTTs and Fantasy Grounds.

    Everybody usually starts out at zero before becoming proficient in a skill/craft. I know I have had a ton of crappy projects because of lack of skill. The difference between failure and learning is taking what you screwed up on and learning how to do it better. ...
  2. Savage Hârn weapons, armor and mundane items

    Samples of my 'Savage Hârn' weapons, armor and mundane items lists. I'm using HârnMaster 3 as the foundation and trying to stick to the items available in the HârnWorld Module. Still have lots to do, this is only a small portion of my work so far.

  3. Savage Worlds, DragonLance and Hârn

    I am currently contemplating running a Savage Worlds game set on the island of Hârn where that island and setting are basically transplanted to the planet of Krynn. The rest of Krynn has fallen to the Evil forces and now the DragonLance events are finally encroaching on that remote and small part of the world. Tentatively, I am planning to set up all Hârn 'Occupations' as Archetypes however, at this point, since neither Savage Worlds or HârnMaster use Classes, there should not be a need to create ...
  4. Almost a whole month since my last update

    It has been a "little" bit of time since I posted any news here on the progress I have (or haven't) made with the both the Winter Eternal and Weird Wars Rome conversions. So here is the latest "breaking news".

    First, on the Weird Wars Rome front, the modules are now in the hands the Production Coordinator at SmiteWorks and I have fixed the errors that he reported to me and sent back the fixed version. The rate that James has been kicking new products out the door, ...

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