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Recent Blogs Posts

  1. Making a desert out of a sandbox

    Someone once asked me why it was that I preferred running homebrew sandbox campaigns to modules in official settings, which is a pretty popular way of doing things, especially for harried GMs who don't have a lot of time on their hands. I thought about it for a bit, and then came up with an answer that I'm pretty sure wasn't expected. The resulting conversation went something like this:

    Me: Well, partly it's because I get to exercise more creativity, but mainly it's because it's ...
  2. Window Saver X Full Version History

    • add /wsx share (thanks to seycyrus for the suggestion)

    • Add /wsx open
    • Fix errors in client console

    • Fix errors in client chat box


    • Fix errors in client chat box


    • Add /wsx close
    • Further improve compatibility with other extensions
    • Update help messages to show commands without underscores
    • Numerous of under-the-hood changes


    Updated May 27th, 2018 at 01:46 by Gkjsdll

  3. Savage Hârn weapons, armor and mundane items

    Samples of my 'Savage Hârn' weapons, armor and mundane items lists. I'm using HârnMaster 3 as the foundation and trying to stick to the items available in the HârnWorld Module. Still have lots to do, this is only a small portion of my work so far.

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