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  1. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - Allow Me to Introduce Myself

    It seems as though the place to start a new blog is with an introduction by the blogger. My name is Tom. I live in Reno, Nevada (western US). I have written programs in a variety of environments, market sectors, and genres since 1977. I’ve written programs in machine code, and in at least 6 or 7 different languages. They’ve included simple games, modeling magma bodies in the earth’s crust, completing forms and health insurance claims, and slot machine pay verification. What do I hope to accomplish ...

    Updated May 4th, 2016 at 07:37 by Minty23185Fresh

  2. The Next Update

    Here is it is, the next update! Update of what? Don't worry I have asked that of myself as well. I keep tinkering a little bit with the look and layout of the blog. Obviously, I am doing something "wrong" though...all the "how to" blogs are telling me I need to post more often, automate posting and even make "how to" blogs. Google Ad-sense even tells me I don't have enough words on my blog for them to determine what "my" little corner of the web is all about. ...
  3. Winter Eternal - Update 2

    I know you have been waiting impatiently to see this update. Here it is. Over friday and saturday I was able to get a fair amount done. Most of my time on friday was spent trying to figure out why I couldn't get columns to line up on the equipment tables. Not going to go into much detail in this blog about it, but if you are interested you can read about it in my last post in this thread. It did cost me some time until I figured it out.

    All the new edge and hindrances are drag and ...
  4. Project Number 2 - Winter Eternal

    Completing Weird Wars Rome was a very satisfying feeling for me, but it left me wanting to do more. It's pretty cool to be helping grow the Fantasy Grounds library, and knowing that there are people waiting for that one to hit the store. Just as I finishing up that project I caught a post on G+ about one of the Accursed books by Melior Via. I actually sent an email to them and asked if they had any interest in seeing their products on Fantasy Grounds. John Dunn got back to me and said that they ...

    Updated April 21st, 2016 at 21:29 by Mortar

  5. So Weird Wars Rome has finally been submitted

    So back around the middle of February I decided I was going to convert the Weird Wars Rome setting into a module for FG, simply because I wanted to open the library section and only see story entries related to whatever adventure I was running. Now Fantasy Grounds actually makes it quite easy to create modules - you just need to have an understanding of this thing called XML. Which at that time I only had a basic of knowledge...I knew what it is and that it had not a whole lot. If ...
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