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  1. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - Dumping DB's Field Names (2 of 2)

    This session I will implement some Lua script to dump database field names to the console.

    Two housekeeping items:
    (1) This blog is very long. I was required to divide it into two parts. This is part 2 of 2.
    (2) You should consider making your browser full-screen so that the code displays correctly.

    After saving the file, reloading the ruleset, and bringing up the character, my console information is as expected. Next step - implementing a terminating ...

    Updated May 18th, 2016 at 02:12 by Minty23185Fresh

  2. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - Dumping DB's Field Names (1 of 2)

    This session I will implement some Lua script to dump database field names to the console.

    Two housekeeping items:
    (1) This blog is very long. I was required to divide it into two parts. This is part 1 of 2.
    (2) You should consider making your browser full-screen so that the code displays correctly.

    I shall try to describe my tactics in solving a problem but not each and every step of their implementation. In a previous post I looked at the <inventorylist> ...

    Updated May 18th, 2016 at 02:13 by Minty23185Fresh

  3. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - XML and Lua, Why?

    Most, if not all programs, when stripped down to their very essence do one thing, manipulate data. That’s all Fantasy Grounds does: whether you are constructing a character sheet or rolling a d20 to determine surprise, FG is using your input, the data you supplied, in some predetermined process. FG uses two “languages” to provide extensibility. What do the two languages, XML and Lua bring to this table? XML is a standardized methodology of providing easy access to data. Lua is a methodology ...

    Updated May 18th, 2016 at 02:14 by Minty23185Fresh

  4. Reuniting the Band: A Token Effort

    Now that I had workable maps, it was time to get some tokens. Back in the day, when my group used to play face-to-face we were using 1st edition AD&D rules, and minis and battle maps weren’t terribly necessary. Back in those days I was a poor college student (and then a poor University employee) and I couldn’t afford to purchase minis. I had a few, but I also lacked the talent to paint them well, so I never used them, and none of my friends used minis either. I did have some cardboard figures ...
    Tags: reuniting, tokens
  5. Today's Update on Winter Eternal

    It's finally here - today's update on Winter Eternal! The weather was pretty decent on the weekend, so there wasn't as much accomplished over the last for or five days as I would have liked. The good news is that quite a bit did get completed.

    First up is a screen shot of both the random ruin generation tables. Now these are based on cards, so it is beyond my abilities, at this time, to try and create some Lua scripts to make these clickable for the GM. I am not even sure if that ...
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