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  1. Coin Size & Mass: Results & Recommendations From An Investigation

    I posted this into the Forums in August 2015, but thought it'd be better off as a Blog Post, so I've re-posted in here - enjoy!

    This article isn't for everyone; some RPG groups aren't that concerned with highly accurate or realistic world or social systems, being more concerned with simply having fun playing. On the other-hand, some groups find a highly detailed, realistic and accurate "system" helps in their enjoyment and "suspension ...

    Updated May 18th, 2016 at 11:20 by dulux-oz

  2. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - Effects and Visibility

    Over the next few posts I plan on explaining how I wrote my first FG extension.

    Since starting this blog I have tried to expose readers, particularly readers with little to no software development skills, to background information I felt would help them climb the FG extension learning curve more quickly. For a budding programmer there is a lot to learn, far more than can be conveyed in a blog. Supplementary reading is a must. Mostly, I hope to pique the critical thinking process, ...
  3. Am I An Addict?

    Am I an addict? Am I addicted to the endorphic pleasure that creating brings me? Is that why I do it? Is that why I do little else?

    It's true that I enjoy writing code; that I enjoy solving the problems that invariable crop up in attempting to command a computer to perform new and varied tasks. I enjoy also that others think my creations are good; good enough to use and good enough to wait in anticipation for the next upgrade or the next new piece of work (although not, apparently, ...
  4. 4 wickedly Savage Tales coming your way

    I really haven't dome as much over the last three of four days as I originally planned. Weather has been great so I took some time to enjoy it. I did manage to get all of the text information for all four of the Savage Tales entered. The bestiary entries have been started, and all that remains after those are the images/maps and pre-gens.

    One of the issues with the images in the Winter Eternal setting book is that the non-color artwork does not copy well at all. They turn into an ...
  5. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - Dumping DB's Field Names (2 of 2)

    This session I will implement some Lua script to dump database field names to the console.

    Two housekeeping items:
    (1) This blog is very long. I was required to divide it into two parts. This is part 2 of 2.
    (2) You should consider making your browser full-screen so that the code displays correctly.

    After saving the file, reloading the ruleset, and bringing up the character, my console information is as expected. Next step - implementing a terminating ...

    Updated May 18th, 2016 at 02:12 by Minty23185Fresh

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