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  1. XSLT Character Sheet - Prob Final version

    Attached is a zip with my final,, maybe xslt file for enabling printing and web site displaying of the std char xml file as exported from FG.

    Add this line to the 2nd line of the xml file.

    <?xml-stylesheet href="char.xslt" type="text/xsl" ?>

    Then open the XML in the browser and print.

  2. Fantasy Grounds XML Sheet XSLT (style sheet) for the XML character export file.

    XSLT Sheet
    Doing some more work on this, over the next day or so.
    I want to make pasting HTML into GOOGLE sites easier, and the default format on the web page better.
    Also need to work on next part of module for my players.
    Will post updates into this blog when available if anyone likes the sheet.

    Updated November 6th, 2014 at 17:54 by trevorgall

    XSLT Character Sheet
  3. Reference Manual windowclass Extension Updates

    Forum Page
    20 Jul, 2014

    • Added referencemanualfeat windowclass.
    • Removed the search bar until I can get it working. Currently causing the list to bug when the search field is cleared.
    • Removed the close button for the inner window. The script automatically closes inner windows before opening a new window.

    22 Jun, 2014

    • Right column altered to make it appear more seamless.
    • Minimum window size changed to 500 x 500.
    • Default window size changed to be the same as

    Updated July 20th, 2014 at 12:13 by RTFallen

    Extension Updates
  4. PFRPG Mythic Rules Module Updates

    Forum Page
    16 Jul, 2014

    • Mythic Monsters information and sample monsters completed.

    16 Jul, 2014

    • Base and path abilities linked.
    • Code restructure.

    Path Abilities
    • Universal path abilities moved to "Mythic Paths" from "Base Mythic Rules".
    • A link to "Base Mythic Abilities" has been added to each path page.

    13 Jul, 2014

    • Prerequisites now showing for Nimble

    Updated August 17th, 2014 at 10:54 by RTFallen

    Tags: module, updates
    Module Updates
  5. Module Code Library

    This is a work in progress. I will be adding to it as I go.

    Making this for future reference when making modules. If anyone wants to add anything to this, let me know in the comments.

    Base Structure

    db.xml, client.xml, and common.xml files:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <root version="3.0">
        <library static="true"> <!-- static is optional -->

    Updated July 13th, 2014 at 23:24 by RTFallen

    Code Library
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