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  1. DC 12 Craft Check - Part 1

    Reading Doug's post on dice inspired me to write about a nice Christmas gift I gave each of my players a few years back.

    At the time we were a face-to-face group, and as so often happens in such a setting our gaming table was often overflowing with paper, pencils, rule books, minatures, dice, snacks, drinks... you name it - and I have an old "Board Room" Conference Table as my gaming table, and it was still overflowing! Suffice it to say, dice would go everywhere when we ...

    Updated September 17th, 2016 at 02:47 by dulux-oz

  2. Something a bit different - A discussion about Real Dice

    If you are like any of the gamers that I know, you have buckets and buckets of dice. I received an email from the folks at Easy Roller Dice asking if I would mind reviewing their dice and of course, I said "no problem. I love dice."

    They have a fairly good selection of dice colors and materials, but the ones that jumped out to me were the glow in the dark dice set. That was a set that I didn't have yet. In addition, they sent me a dice cup to use when rolling them. I have ...
  3. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - Effect Visibility (Revisited, Part 1)

    This time I’ll jump right in, create an extension, then slowly add more and more functionality to it. I’ll explain, as I go along, what I am doing, and why. Plus I’ll explore solutions to problems as they arise. It is quite a bit to bite off so this will assuredly require multiple blog posts.

    First, to clean things up: in previous blogs I edited some of the ruleset files. I was exploring what the consequences were when certain changes are made to the ruleset files. I want to ...

    Updated June 1st, 2016 at 09:20 by Minty23185Fresh

  4. Inspiration For Adventure - Swamp Witch

    I draw inspiration for the torture - sorry, adventures - I put my players through from many sources; movies, books, magazine articles, and of course, songs. Swamp Witch by Jim Stafford is one of my favourites - it’s a “southern, Louisiana-style” slow ballad that just drips with adventure ideas and plot. If you can, see if you can locate a copy and have a listen - you’ll be glad you did!

    In the meantime, I’ve written out the lyrics here to provide my fellow ...
  5. A Whole lot of different things going no this week

    I spent the first few days this week messing around with the Weird Wars Rome theme extension that +Eric Lamoureux sent me a while ago. I did manage to get it working to a point. Some of the frames aren't using the correct images yet, the fonts on the side bar need some work, tab icons are either not being used or not there. Of course, I am doing it the hard way and floundering a bit at it.

    The screen shot below shows what it is looking like at the moment. As you can see, it still ...
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