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  1. Long overdue news about a few projects

    I am definitely still in the fight, but the health took a major beating over the last couple of months and I most definitely took a few steps backwards. Enough about that or I'll end up in some rant about something totally off topic.

    Now that SmiteWorks has released 3.2.0 (yeah, I know 3.2.1 is out now), I had to do a bit of rework on Weird Wars and the other projects I had in the queue or simmering. Here is a quick update on all of them.

    Weird Wars Rome - the ...
  2. Story Recap from 11/19/16

    [QUOTE=Talen;302241][B][From the journal of Mina Harker][/B]

    Tags: story recap
  3. Moving Monster or "Where I put this green goblins last time"

    NPCs Monster management & solutions in pictures - Tutorial.
    FG is great tool because offers many ways how to get some results.
    And now I bringing you two methods which I found by manipulating with NPCs
    for your adventure or campaigns.

    Thank you for reading 'n' seeing my pictures ;)
  4. Story Recap from 11/5/16

    [QUOTE=Talen;299340]Upon dispatching the vampires discovered last session, the Rippers returned to the London lodge to receive orders on how to proceed with the potentially catastrophic infestation. As luck would have it, the two most renowned surviving vampire hunters in the world had returned to London- [B]Mina and Jonathan Harker[/B]. Known throughout the Rippers for their heroism in defeating Dracula alongside [B]Johan Van Helsing[/B], Jonathan had returned from his work throughout Eastern ...

    Updated November 6th, 2016 at 15:47 by Talen

  5. Let’s Use the Combat Tracker Effect Visibility Options Extension

    Setting Default Visibilities Using the Character Sheet

    This is one in a series of Combat Tracker EVOE blog posts. The series index can be found here.

    Last time I used the Effect Manager Utility to set up default visibilities for conditional effects such as prone or poisoned. When the effect is applied to a character in the Combat Tracker, the effect’s visibility is set to the defined default. If there is no default visibility defined EVOE sets the visibility to GM only. ...
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