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  1. Reuniting: Keeping Track of NPC's, Part II

    In my last post I talked a bit about how I use a database of NPC’s in my campaign. Today we’ll delve into the details. We’ll talk a little about the platform and the software, then we’ll get into what information needs to be included. We’ll finish up by talking a little more about other ways to use it.

    Throughout this discussion I will refer to our collection of NPC data as a “database”, even though we may or may not really be using relational database software to store the information.

    Updated December 16th, 2016 at 15:20 by Phystus (Oops, missed a section!)

  2. Rem's 5E Crafting System - Introduction

    How I Got to Where I Needed a Crafting System in My Campaign:
    Ah the good ole Dungeon Master's Guide. My favorite book in the entirety of the D&D Collection. I flip through it constantly, devouring information, plotting ways to challenge the PCs in my campaign, planning out vast worlds with diverse storylines and so much more.

    One day during our D&D session, Ielenia, my group's Elven Druid said to me after we were wrapping up the session: "Hey Rem, can I just craft ...

    Updated December 15th, 2016 at 18:40 by Remedeez

  3. Reuniting: Keeping Track of NPC's

    Very early on in my DM days (1980) I realized that I was terrible at making up fantasy names on the spot. It often happened that a PC would unexpectedly strike up a conversation with some blacksmith’s apprentice or farmer’s wife, and all of a sudden I would need a name for an NPC for whom I had no details whatsoever. Every time, my mind would freeze up and all I could come up with were painfully normal names.

    Me: “Uh, the apprentice’s name is, uh, um, Fred”
    Player: “Fred?
  4. Twitch featured my channel using Fantasy Grounds, and it was HUGE!

    by , December 15th, 2016 at 04:52 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    Twitch contacted me a few weeks ago and explained they were wanting to spotlight RPG channels, and would I be interested. It entailed being featured on the front page of the Twitch website for two hours. I said sure. I prepared my Twitch channel, made sure all my proper links were set up, got a chat command to point people to when they would inevitably ask, "What is this? What program are you using?"

    It was crazy. I topped out at 1,258 concurrent ...

    Updated December 17th, 2016 at 22:40 by rob2e

  5. Reuniting the Band: Step Aboard the Holodeck!

    As I mentioned in one of my early posts I got Fantasy Grounds in order to restart my old AD&D campaign from 1990. Happily, I was able to recruit enough previous players and old friends to get started. We did a bit of testing, got VOIP chat working, and I got some tokens and maps made up. The characters were converted to D&D 3.5, and enough NPC’s were converted to get us started. I had written up some handouts about the campaign setting, and the basics of combat in 3.5,
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