Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. I won!!!!

    And I didn't even know I had entered ...

    First off, I want to Thank Jeff (A.K.A. GeoQuester) for having the artwork contest on his GM 911 podcast. This show is on his Twitch channel (which can be found under GeoQuester.) and likewise on YouTube. If you have not check this show out ... do so because it is a lively engaging show.

    I also want to thank Fantasy Grounds for both sponsoring Jeff's show and providing giveaways.

    About a week ago I was on the ...
  2. A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

    At last that's what they say …

    So … if that's true … and if we except as an average of the number of letter in any given word as five. The definition of letter is as follows:

    a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet.

    A synonym for letter is “character.”

    A definition for character is

    1*:* a graphic symbol (as a*hieroglyph*or alphabet letter) ...

    Updated March 30th, 2017 at 19:51 by mhorgunn

  3. Badges!!! ... Badges!!!

    We don't need no stinkin' badges!!!

    Well ... you do in my campaign ... that is if you are entering into the City of Neverwinter. You see, in my other group, in an effort to control the rowdy bands of adventurers, the city government made them become licensed and join a guild.

    ... The ... <ahem> ... Adventurers League. (I hope I don't get a cease and desist letter over this!)

    Anyway, each group must have a charter identified by a group name ...

    Updated March 26th, 2017 at 01:45 by mhorgunn

  4. Reuniting: Maintaing Continuity

    Do you remember what happened a minute ago? Of course you do! Do you remember what happened three weeks ago? Maybe not the small details, right? Welcome to the continuity problem - the disconnect between the players and their characters caused by the gaps between game sessions.

    As I’ve mentioned before, sometimes it’s a challenge for my group to play on a regular schedule. We strive to play ever other week, or every third at worst, but sometimes life intervenes and the
  5. Great Balls of Fire!!!


    Attachment 18259

    It had seemed like a good idea at the time. With random encounters and such, the characters were third level. They plowed through the NPCs so easily that they gave the monsters bad dreams at night. So what's a DM to do?

    The common three answers are to bump up their numbers, their hit points or the levels. And I have tried all three.

    And they still keep coming.

    The monsters are ...

    Updated March 16th, 2017 at 13:48 by mhorgunn

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