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  1. More RefManual Theming!

    Somehow, as if I didn't have enough on my plate already, I managed to put Frog God Games' The Lost Lands on my Fantasy Grounds queue. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see how a basically black and white reference manual would look since that's how FGG's material is printed. I also wanted to use their header font in the refmanual.

    Here's the first attempt:


    Updated December 31st, 2016 at 03:09 by Talyn

  2. Reuniting: Can I Check Your References?

    When my group started playing D&D via Fantasy Grounds, several of my players were keen to resume the old campaign rather than starting a new one. That campaign had featured several long-term storylines, and the party had gotten fairly involved in one of them. This had apparently left quite an impression on the players, and they were eager to see that story to its conclusion. I was more than happy to acquiesce to their desire, since I had always been curious about how the storyline
  3. Reference Manual Theming? Success!

    Since pretty much every project I do involves the CoreRPG Reference Manual feature, and I like things as pretty as possible, I thought I'd take a shot at theming the refmanual -- and only the refmanual. That's actually tricky because almost every window template in FG uses the "groupbox" frame so if I changed that one texture, BAM, every single window now uses that texture. Which in the case of what I was doing with Castles & Crusades, looked wonky as hell.

    So I ended ...
  4. Original Characters Backstory Garuh'kai & Ander- a short story part 2

    Part one can be found here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...t-story-part-1

    Spring, the flowers have long since won their fight to press up through the dirt, the winds blow cool and calm across the fields north of a small quaint village. Atop the crest of a hill he sat, below an ancient Oak, reading a book of histories and civilizations passed, dozing off between pages of clumsily choreographed explanations ...
  5. Simplified Encumbrance Rule for 5E

    Like a lot of GMs, I like to tinker with house rules – especially when they can replace a mechanic that I don’t particularly care for. I’ve been playing a lot of D&D 5E lately, and that has brought two of these failed mechanics into focus – encumbrance and alignment. I think it’s safe to say these are two of the most ignored, unused and disliked sub-systems in the D&D universe, at least in my own experience. I have plans for alignment that I will share another day, but in this post I ...

    Updated December 25th, 2016 at 06:01 by Answulf

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