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  1. The goblin that laid the platinum egg

    Ok … so not my most … sophisticated moments in the game as a dungeon master. Sometimes one needs to get a bit gritty a bit earthy. It is the game master's obligation to their player's to confront their players … even in the smallest of details.

    For those who don't know … my players are continuing their way through the introductory campaign, “The Lost Mines of Phandelver.” One of the tropes that seems to have their place in the firmament of D&D, is to take into the fold of the ...
    Tags: d&d 5e, platinum
  2. Mapping out the future

    So my players are progressing along swimmingly through Lost Mines. At present, they are beginning their investigation of Thundertree. Now this is actually further along than it seems as they have already cleared out Cragmore Castle. They were able to convince the druid Reidoth of the urgency to rescue Rocksplitter. But more of that in later posts.

    In preping for the final dungeon of Lost Mines and the clearing of Wave Echo Cave, I was reminded of the adventure hook, a mp found in ...
  3. Actionable Roleplaying Tips: Engaging Your Companions

    Alright. Ready to sink your teeth into a good roleplaying topic? I think this is one of my favorite ones.

    Inter-party discussions is one of the most interesting roleplaying opportunities in the game. In this post, you’ll find a few suggestions on how to instigate such discussions as well as prepare for them.

    Before we get started, however, let’s quickly revisit the purpose of this whole series. Here’s a quote from the first post.

    How do I take

    Updated May 19th, 2017 at 20:39 by bigbluepaw

  4. Actionable Roleplaying Tips: Preparing to Homebase

    Alright folks. Ready for the second post in the series? Well, here it comes.

    If you need a quick reminder about the series, here’s a recap from the first post.

    How do I take some actionable steps to prepare to roleplay?

    Sharing the my answers to that question is the purpose of this four-part post series. I’m not suggesting this is the best course of action for everyone. All I know is that it worked for me. It gave me something actionable. It

    Updated May 19th, 2017 at 20:38 by bigbluepaw

  5. Open door, kill monster, loots and repeat.

    Many of us started role playing games that way, we would enter a dungeons/ruins/castle for some reason, explore rooms after rooms, killing monsters along the way for loots. Then go back to town, sell the loots for gold and buy nice gear for our characters so we can do it again.

    It was the way most of D&D adventure were created 30 years ago, many new players coming from computer game think like that too, and there's nothing wrong if that's the kind of game you want to play. I have ...
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