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  1. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - An XML Bag of Holding

    A little bit of Lua and a lot of XML…

    Let’s touch on variables. In a program, a variable is a place where data is stored. Variables have names, like x or myData or steve. Variables can have a type, which means they can only hold certain kinds of data, like a number, or a single letter of the alphabet. Some variables are very flexible and can hold anything, they are often referred to as objects. Lua’s variables are untyped, they are very flexible, one can think of them as objects. ...
  2. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - Allow Me to Introduce Myself

    It seems as though the place to start a new blog is with an introduction by the blogger. My name is Tom. I live in Reno, Nevada (western US). I have written programs in a variety of environments, market sectors, and genres since 1977. I’ve written programs in machine code, and in at least 6 or 7 different languages. They’ve included simple games, modeling magma bodies in the earth’s crust, completing forms and health insurance claims, and slot machine pay verification. What do I hope to accomplish ...

    Updated May 4th, 2016 at 07:37 by Minty23185Fresh

  3. Project: Zombicide - Day 2

    Welcome to Day 2!

    We are still working on our rules module. Formatting a library entry with <h> for headers (XML needs you to always close tags!), <p> for paragraphs (text that is not enclosed in either of these tags will not be shown!), and the occasional <b> and <i> tags works fine for most entries.

    Lists are done with <list> tags, and then each entry being surrounded with <li> and </li>, ending the whole structure with a ...
  4. Project: Zombicide - Day 1

    Welcome to Day 1!

    Can you already hear the Zombies moan and wail out there? No? Well, that's because we are not quite there yet.

    Today we are going to start our rulebook. Why would we do that, when the rulebook is accessible online?

    For once converting it into a Fantasy Grounds module allows every player quick access to the rules, plus we can later link the different characters, skills etc. into it. Basically it's going to contain all the content the ...
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