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  1. A text-only weakness

    I have discovered a weakness in the text-only realm! I can usually type as fast as voice, and with just as much imagery. Plus, FG grounds makes us for anything else lacking.

    The weakness is in training people for Fantasy Grounds. I trained 14 people this week. And it is a bit hard to show the ropes via pure typing. I do send people emails with advice to watch the videos and include some early tips. I do get each player proficient, but seems like it would be so much faster if it wasn’t ...
    Tags: text-only
  2. A heaping help of hit points

    “Please Sir … May I have some … more???”

    Last night, my crew was at long last at that section of Cragmaw Hideout from Lost Mines of Phandelver. It is the stuff of which separates the men from the boys. In different streams I have seen it do a TPK (Total Party Kill.)

    Attachment 17840

    Basically, the party enters into a pitch dark cave. (My players are all humans and need a light source) [3] Sneek past three chained wolves. (The Barbarian threw ...
  3. Kalmarjan's Player FAQ

    Hello all! I'm ramping up to stream a game here soon, so I thought I'd post a MOD file for those of you interested in playing in my campaign. It goes over what to expect in the wacky world of my campaign, and is a living document between Player and DM.

  4. Gems! by Agmar


    First Impressions: 3 Stars, 29/50 Points
    This is a fun little module that shows the potential towards becoming the ultimate gem tool for DM’s; but, it’s only about two-thirds of the way there right now. It has a large list of various gems with multiple size categories and some random gem and parcel generators. But, the documentation is basic, the generators are of limited use, and some really useful generators are absent. It’s a good ...
    Review , GM Tools
  5. Help for the Harried DM

    Or, The Tom Sawyer Principle

    It takes a lot of work to run an RPG campaign. And all of it falls on the shoulders of the GM. There’s nobody else the GM could even call on for help – or is there? Let’s look at a little concept I call The Tom Sawyer Principle.

    Did you ever read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain? Early in the book, Tom skips school. As punishment, his Aunt Polly makes him paint a huge fence on Saturday, which is everyone else’s day off. Tom
    Tags: organization
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