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  1. One does not simple walk into the Dwarven Silver Mines

    The party has entered the mines in good spirits and quickly defeated a horde of skeletons, an easy walk of the hallway netted them several items, their confidence raised they marched on.
    Further adventuring brought them to the Dining room where they were badly pounded by Ale elemental's, vegetable swarms and zombie pork, dinner not agreeing with them.
    Limping back into the dark passages of the mines the party was ambushed by two dark and powerful Wrights. Surrounded by wraiths the ...
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  2. question for the hivemind

    I justt got fantasy grounds i try make my own background but i dont see the little tab at bot right to make backgrounds. i have ultimate license. do i need something else? what a my missing to be able create my own npc and other sutff?
  3. Preaching to the Chior

    Somehow I feel this is like that scene from the film "Dave." A look a like has taken the place of the President of the United States. He is trying to cut the budget to save a program for homeless shelters. He cuts a program that is meant to make people feel better about a previous auto purchase.

    I mean if any of you are reading this you have already made your decision. You have wisely chosen Fantasy Grounds. The Roll 20/FG debate reminds me of the Chevy/Ford arguments ...

    Updated December 20th, 2017 at 19:49 by mhorgunn

  4. A picture is worth a thousand words ...

    So ... again as mentioned, my group is playing Out of the Abyss. And as they are drawing near to extraction, the more they seem to be enjoying it. The light at the end of the tunnel ...

    The players have decided they do not enjoy playing more than one character at a time, so there was a force split of the party, with some going to Grackelstug and the others stranded in Blingdenstone. To speed up the game in was decided that the group in the later location would go through a "Meeat ...
  5. Remaster: C&C Players Handbook

    Some time ago, I was tasked with remastering the Players Handbook for the Castles & Crusades ruleset because it was older DLC, the kind where the whole book is split up into hundreds of small pages in the Library? It was also ugly, a bit messy to navigate, yadda yadda. I'm sure it was fine for its day but it's almost 2018 and users are more savvy now. I love my Men in Black references, so here we go:

    Old & Busted:

    Updated November 29th, 2017 at 22:55 by Talyn

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