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  1. Savage Hârn weapons, armor and mundane items

    Samples of my 'Savage Hârn' weapons, armor and mundane items lists. I'm using HârnMaster 3 as the foundation and trying to stick to the items available in the HârnWorld Module. Still have lots to do, this is only a small portion of my work so far.

  2. Savage Worlds Archetypes for Hârn

    Started taking this back up seriously again. Trying not to make it overly detailed and more complex then it needs to be.

    Am now in the process of setting up the Archetypes in Hero Lab for it's ability to auto-calc the build points and assign Edges, etc. Once the drafts are finished I can then print out full character sheets from there and then use those for making detailed notes to try and balance them all out. Probably will be about 80-100 of them by the time I am done as there
  3. Message of the day

    If one has used Fantasy Grounds for any length of time, you have probably interacted with Delux-Oz. Incredibly active, this man seems to have a helpful answer for everything posted. He also has created mods and extensions that definitely dial up this tabletop up a couple levels. If I get into a discussion about FG over Roll 20 ... I say we got Delux-Oz.

    Thank you, Good Sir, for all you do.

    The extension I would like to highlight with this post is the "Message ...
  4. FG Con Spring 2018

    You can join me for a marathon play-through of the Lairs of Lawlessness at this Spring's FG Con.

    Lairs of Lawlessness puts the player characters in the service of a young knight who is just building his first stronghold. The players help the knight battle evil forces and make his shire safe for civilization while learning for themselves the rewards and dangers of dungeon delving. The nature of the adventure makes it idea for players new to Fantasy Grounds and/or D&D 5e, but quickly ...
    Tags: fg-con
    One-Shot Opportunities
  5. The Power Dynamics In RPG Gaming Groups

    An incident occurred recently (that I won't go in to) that has caused me to think long and hard about the power dynamics of a role-playing gaming group. Being of a philosophic bent, I've decided to write down my mental deliberations and see if others come to the same conclusions as I have. So here goes.

    RPG groups are not Democracies[1]. They may appear to be Democracies on the surface, and they may even strive to act like Democracies in practice, but they are not. They are also not ...

    Updated March 7th, 2018 at 07:11 by dulux-oz

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