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  1. How Smiteworks and Fantasy Grounds CHANGED (SAVED?) MY LIFE!

    by , September 7th, 2017 at 20:16 (Rob2e's "Fantasy Grounds - The Experience!")
    Hey, everyone.

    Those that know me already have this information, but some may not know...

    Three years ago in August 2014, I had a liver transplant. While I was under the knife for 11 hours, my mother passed away. DURING SURGERY! Amazing. Tragic.

    I had my surgery in Seattle, I was in the hospital 58 days. I came back to Spokane on Thanksgiving 2014 and proceeded to start my recovery through the holidays. I spent the first 3/4 of 2015 "looking ...
  2. Campaign building 101

    The common mistake when building a first campaign is to start too big. You are full of ideas, write pages and pages of notes that too often you never got to use.

    You really only need the basic for the first adventure. First a location often a village. What do you really need to know about that village. Let's call our village Douland.

    In Douland you can find a mill near the river, a small inn where the farmers go get a drink after a day of work with a few rooms for ...
  3. LFP, Want 5e Fantasy Grounds Play tips, testing, and learning Fantasy Grounds Online!

    I just wanted to let everyone interested in this thread/blog that the school is NOT a proper game, and that the focus is: Learning how to navigate the interface, learning how to create a character, learning some of the chat commands, learning some of the basic game functions and mechanics, and having fun while meeting new people with similar interests. I still want to emphasize Role-play, cooperation, and, fun! I think it makes the game fun and sometimes completely awkward. Also, remember it is ...
  4. It's Good To Be The King!

    Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown"
    Shakespeare's play Henry IV, Part 2

    How do you feel about players who's character's background is the noble? It can be fun. Are the characters role played as entitled fools who must come to term with the reality of having to exist among the common people. It can be a great hook to center the character on. And I usually don't have a problem with this. I mean ... old school ... that was part of the game. A fighter reached a certain ...
  5. Savage Worlds, DragonLance and Hârn

    I am currently contemplating running a Savage Worlds game set on the island of Hârn where that island and setting are basically transplanted to the planet of Krynn. The rest of Krynn has fallen to the Evil forces and now the DragonLance events are finally encroaching on that remote and small part of the world. Tentatively, I am planning to set up all Hârn 'Occupations' as Archetypes however, at this point, since neither Savage Worlds or HârnMaster use Classes, there should not be a need to create ...
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