Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. Now Hiring - Customer Service Representative

    Customer Service Representative - FILLED

    Position Type: Full Time (40-hours per week)
    Salary: $30,000 / year

    Job Responsibilities:
    • Handle Customer Support 4 10-hour days each week (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
    • Help customers with account based issues
    • Help customers with installation assistance on Windows, Mac or Linux
    • Help customers resolve connection issues
    • Help customers set up networking port forwarding for Fantasy Grounds Classic
    • Help

    Updated April 22nd, 2020 at 01:53 by ddavison

  2. Fight Pit


    The above is the battle map of a pit fight arena that I used in last Wednesday's game . At 3 o'clock and 9 are holding cells. If you are using Unity, you can do LoS on the cells to have a dramatic reveal of oppennents. At 12 and 6 are guard towers. I manned them with guards randomly aiming crossbows loaded stunning bolts to shoot combatants. (They are stunned to the end of their next turn.)There is at least one wizard posted to undo any spell that might ...

    Updated March 27th, 2020 at 17:20 by mhorgunn

    Tags: d&d 5e, unity
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
  3. Release Day

    I'm nervous. Did I get everything? Are there any bugs? Especially the tab changes seemed to just magically work toward the end, so I'm worried that the tab scripts won't be loaded on another computer somehow. These last two days I've been gnashing teeth out of stress, and my cheeks hurt.
    Oh, that's right: I forgot to change a few image names to prettier ones. Oh well. I'll do that later.
    The sheet still has a few things to fix, but it works enough that I can take maybe a month's "vacation" ...

    Updated January 12th, 2020 at 11:40 by MooCow

  4. The two sides of ugly

    I'm right now in the process of converting FG:s default sidebar to something... ..."prettier"?
    FG:s sidebar is in my opinion the ugliest part of the default skin. The default skin has a theme that is noisy and distracting. It is there to wow users into thinking that it's cool at first glance, but it's not designed for ease of use and it's not easy on the eyes. The icons in the side bar are some sort of banners, but they're so shiny that they look like they're made out of shining ...

    Updated January 11th, 2020 at 02:00 by MooCow

  5. The human rights of monsters

    I'm probably halfway through the layering export process, and everything is proceeding with zero problems.
    I really prefer if my SimplePlus skin is used, over the default FG one, but that should be up to personal preference. Only the sheet will remain graphically altered.

    Took most of the day off to consult videos about sociopathy. There is a lot of poor definitions on the subject of anti-social personality disorder, with licenced shrinks strongly confusing psychopathy with sociopathy. ...

    Updated January 10th, 2020 at 02:58 by MooCow

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