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  1. Dungeon 23


    What is the meaning of two posts in two days. Who are you and what have you done witn John?

    Don"t you hate coming late to the party?

    I do.

    But here I am.

    So I don"t know, with all the YouTube I watch that I didn't see this.

    Called The Dungeon 23 Challenge is atribited to Shawn McCoy, creator of The Mother ship. The concept is simple. One creates a mega dungeon. It consist of a dungeon ...

    Updated September 4th, 2023 at 18:09 by Moon Wizard

    Tags: dungeon 23
  2. teaching an old dog a new trick

    Ok... so given with what has been going on lately with WOTC and just in general with my life I have to make some changes. With only half a brain, I need to go in a somewhat new direction. I at first thought about switching to Dungeon Crawl Classic but when I suggested it to my group, one of my long time players ... our friendly neighbor hood "That Guy" threw a fit. "I WILL NEVER PLAY THAT GAME!!!"

    I'll be honest it kind of took the stuffing out of me. After all, ...
  3. I'm insane!!!!

    Stop me if you have heard this one before ...

    "Reapeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the very definition of insanity."

    But here I am. once again ... Writing on this bog....

    Slowly searching the keyboard ... trying to see the letters ... working from word to word ... in a valiant effort to make sense ... to not forget because of short term memory loss, what I was trying to ssay. If you are just happening ...
    Tags: blog
  4. Back in the saddle again!

    < Que Gene Autry >

    I thank you for allowing me to share my situation and concerns. Also thank you for your kind comments. They helped alot. I have graduated therapy with flying colors. I was amazed at how open and supportive of my interests and what they could do to get me back to being able to continue them. It was also interesting how they said playing Dungeons and Dragons on Fantasy Grounds was good theropy.

    I am pleased to anounce that as of two days ago ...
  5. The best laid plans....

    OK... so consider this a major step foprward. You see ... Christmas eve, Santa put a huge lump of coal in my stocking. I had a stroke. I an blessed as to how well I an doing. but my vision has been afected and this is as much as i have eebbeen able to use the compuuter. Thekiller is I was just about to retire. Nothing but gaming and art projects ahead. I am struggling to get to reopen the campaign we were in the middle of. I have g00d friends and a suportive wife who knows what gaming means to ...
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