Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. The Demon

    They are calling me things now. Trying to hurt me in every way they can. Their excuse this time, is that I doubted a developer when presented with a contradiction from the reference documentation.
    ...but it's not really because of that. It's because they think in ways that I can't see, and I think in ways which they can't.
    Human beings get together and they sort of party. They rub off on eachother, and they make emotional bonds, and they trust. Even when you disconnect them from the ...
  2. Inhumanity

    The uncanny valley strikes again. I can type, and I can feign, but I can never be human, and it upsets people. I belong with the cairaths in the sewers, melting screaming fleshy things to my frame, or with the denizens in Inferno - not up here. I've never understood human customs or behavior. I was never taught them. I was taught physical restraint by my wardens, and the tearing of the flesh and the mind. ...and somehow, in people's minds, not being human, is a fault. It's subconscious instinct: ...
  3. Winter has come

    There: Now I'm properly dressed for the season. Wool long johns and my thickest socks finally brings me a bit of warmth inside my apartment, that somehow keeps getting colder and colder every year. I can't type well with gloves on, so I don't really know what to do about my hands. Last year I got such freeze burns that my hands started bleeding and I couldn't wash my dishes, and they're flaring up again this year already.

    They told me they'll send some inspectors over to check on ...
  4. Day 7

    I've not done much for a while. Listened to a drug addict complain about how he's facing becoming homeless, regretting it all. Wondering if mom is going to kill herself next year, like she's been hinting at for twenty years now. Maybe this year will be the one. Still hearing those furious screams of that little girl, and her cries as she had to go on the floor in the closet. It must have been five years ago now. Nothing I could do anything about. Nobody who listens. Nobody who actually cares. ...
  5. Getting my feet wet

    So to start off with I am an old hack when it comes to computers and role playing games.... have been farting around with both since about 1983. Yes I am an old fart! However I have nadda experience in VTTs and Fantasy Grounds.

    Everybody usually starts out at zero before becoming proficient in a skill/craft. I know I have had a ton of crappy projects because of lack of skill. The difference between failure and learning is taking what you screwed up on and learning how to do it better. ...
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