Cosmere RPG Beta Launch

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  1. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: I remixed the combat table to be easy to use. From left to right:
    d8 Targeting d8 Combat Roles d6 Variations d6 Combat Actions
  2. Tempered7's Avatar
    New description added:

    But check if it's updated as the new D&D ruleset updates broke some extensions.
  3. Tempered7's Avatar
    A certain hobbit: We've had 1 action, yes. But what about second action?

    2nd Action: You can attack if you didn't attack in current turn, after you used your action for non-attack action. OR you can use a non-attack basic action if you attacked in your current turn. Use one or the other.

    Let me clear one thing. This is only for "attack" as in weapon attack. Not attack spells, etc. Otherwise it would be too OP even for solo as there is no limit to it (long rest, etc).
    Updated September 20th, 2024 at 22:04 by Tempered7
  4. Tempered7's Avatar
    I am thinking about this subject a lot since I started writing it and the most important KEY to Solo Combat is simply playing all the combatants according to their nature. Let me tell you why:

    Whatever random combat AI tables or tactics - counter tactics tables you use, it'll all end up feel like you playing chess against yourself. Best way to retain immersion is twofold:

    1) The nature of each creature -including your PC- IS the anchor for immersion. Therefore, it is needed to be understood, then applied.
    2) Suspension of disbelief is maintained as long as you play combat fairly. Which is tied to the nature of combatants indirectly.
  5. Tempered7's Avatar
    I just noticed some monster links to Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes in Random Encounters section while trying high level encounters. Some CR7 ones in various categories. If you bought the module before it's delisted, you can still use it. But if you jumped the VTT train after the books delisted (like me), it doesn't seem to get updated. Last update is 17-06-2019.

    Also note that this book's/module's random encounter tables are only up to CR7 and for level 1-15 Solo PC or 2 PCs. There is a conversion table for playing 1 PC with easier encounter and 2 PC vice versa. The second installment "The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox Part Two: The Toolbox Expanded" completes the random encounter tables by adding stuff for level 16-20 PCs. It's last update is October 07, 2023.
  6. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDIT: I know it's a bit late to mention this but I forgot to add about the usage of Content Creator 2020.

    There are links to Player's Handbook (2014) and Dungeon Master's Manual (2014) in the Plot Gen of JimSocks' Content Gen 2020. If you're playing with (free) SRD data, you won't be able to use the links but you still can use SRD equivalent classes, etc to create your own. Also, if you don't have DMG you won't be able to create the 2 villain classes (Anti Paladin, Evil High Priest) at all, but instead, you can create a normal Paladin & Cleric and play them mean.
    Updated September 14th, 2024 at 09:48 by Tempered7
  7. Tempered7's Avatar
    NEWS: from Grimlore. As of 14/09/2024.

    Note: Combat Groups extension was created for, and fully supports, D&D5e (2014). If you are using the D&D5e (2024) rulebooks, some features and functions may not be fully compatible at this time.
  8. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: I noticed that Adaptable NPCs has been renewed and its price raised to 30$ from 20. I added "Friend or Foe Folio" which is a cheaper alternative.
  9. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: Changed the description of

    Kinda confused it before.
  10. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDIT: Pic added from Gywdion's video for visuals.
  11. Tempered7's Avatar
    Look what I found: Reveries of the Dark - A narrative supplement for 2D6 Dungeon - Pay What You Want

    It has tables for prompts that help to create a story about your character and the dungeon you're exploring. The rolls encourage player to write down short snippets about the character, dungeon, story and flesh out the experience. Very useful for newly started Game Masters.
    Updated September 6th, 2024 at 05:19 by Tempered7
  12. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED/ For Step 2: Alternatively, use Mythic's Create Event button instead of 3 random words.
  13. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: Forgotten Adventures Mapmaking pack:

    • ! It might be a block on Google for too many download requests. Check back later if you can't download.

    Right now I can download it for the first time in more than 5 hours.
  14. Tempered7's Avatar
    Expansion on @Solo D&D's comment (only read as much as needed for 20 min session) The part she must have read for the first episode is around 1 page minus background story. i.e: 17 min to narrate and play until first page of Part 1 in Lost Mine of Phandelver.

    Notes on reading modules in FGU:

    ! Titles of pages and encounter/reward links in pages are spoilers by themselves. There is no way to avoid them. So, don't bother.

    0. Hotbars: Link entire adventure book into a hotbar. This will come handy for opening and closing it quickly to avoid spoilers.* Start by only clicking the first Chat Bubble in a page to print it out. Following ones are very likely to be story/combat related ones with spoilers.

    * Play it a bit if you're RPing.
    * Don't look at or print other chat bubbles -if any, yet. (Need a bit ninja'ing with the eyes and hands).

    # How to deal with the answers for attribute / skill checks?

    1. Preparation: By knowing Background Story of the module, your PCs and their Default Behaviors well.
    2. Read-fu: Never read or print second chat bubble or onwards before you read previous paragraph. They might tell you about encounters.
    3. When reading parapgraphs, the moment you caught a familiar term (investigation, constitution, etc), stop reading.
    4. Rolls: Roll for the check and play it without looking at the chat bubble.
    5. Now print the bubble and read it on chat. Your Context is what you played just before the roll.
    6. Real events: Depending on the context and the result of the roll, determine what's REALLY happened. Use flashbacks or John's (from rpgnet forums) method if needed.

    I now had an idea to turn it into its own mini-game: The reality is fluking and the module book is only one parallel universe.
    Updated September 4th, 2024 at 13:11 by Tempered7
  15. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: Dang. ## Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition for FGU - is 25$
    not 20$. Apologies. I check my posts many times but still find errors after a month. *sigh*

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