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  1. Whicer's Avatar
    @101 games Thanks for this post!
  2. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDIT: Pic added from Gywdion's video for visuals.
  3. Tempered7's Avatar
    Look what I found: Reveries of the Dark - A narrative supplement for 2D6 Dungeon - Pay What You Want

    It has tables for prompts that help to create a story about your character and the dungeon you're exploring. The rolls encourage player to write down short snippets about the character, dungeon, story and flesh out the experience. Very useful for newly started Game Masters.
    Updated September 6th, 2024 at 05:19 by Tempered7
  4. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED/ For Step 2: Alternatively, use Mythic's Create Event button instead of 3 random words.
  5. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: Forgotten Adventures Mapmaking pack:

    • ! It might be a block on Google for too many download requests. Check back later if you can't download.

    Right now I can download it for the first time in more than 5 hours.
  6. Tempered7's Avatar
    Expansion on @Solo D&D's comment (only read as much as needed for 20 min session) The part she must have read for the first episode is around 1 page minus background story. i.e: 17 min to narrate and play until first page of Part 1 in Lost Mine of Phandelver.

    Notes on reading modules in FGU:

    ! Titles of pages and encounter/reward links in pages are spoilers by themselves. There is no way to avoid them. So, don't bother.

    0. Hotbars: Link entire adventure book into a hotbar. This will come handy for opening and closing it quickly to avoid spoilers.* Start by only clicking the first Chat Bubble in a page to print it out. Following ones are very likely to be story/combat related ones with spoilers.

    * Play it a bit if you're RPing.
    * Don't look at or print other chat bubbles -if any, yet. (Need a bit ninja'ing with the eyes and hands).

    # How to deal with the answers for attribute / skill checks?

    1. Preparation: By knowing Background Story of the module, your PCs and their Default Behaviors well.
    2. Read-fu: Never read or print second chat bubble or onwards before you read previous paragraph. They might tell you about encounters.
    3. When reading parapgraphs, the moment you caught a familiar term (investigation, constitution, etc), stop reading.
    4. Rolls: Roll for the check and play it without looking at the chat bubble.
    5. Now print the bubble and read it on chat. Your Context is what you played just before the roll.
    6. Real events: Depending on the context and the result of the roll, determine what's REALLY happened. Use flashbacks or John's (from rpgnet forums) method if needed.

    I now had an idea to turn it into its own mini-game: The reality is fluking and the module book is only one parallel universe.
    Updated September 4th, 2024 at 13:11 by Tempered7
  7. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: Dang. ## Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition for FGU - is 25$
    not 20$. Apologies. I check my posts many times but still find errors after a month. *sigh*
  8. Tempered7's Avatar
    Here's a pic how I use it in an INDEX page with tables from other sources.
    Attachment 61862
  9. Tempered7's Avatar
    Added: consequences (table).
  10. Tempered7's Avatar
    You can use it as a Solo Dungeon Crawler with the rules from the PDF, or use the tiles in FGU Map Tool to create your own dungeon.
  11. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: Imgur Pic added to

    Places: DMG & The Toolbox have tables that creates wilderness or rooms in a dungeon and their contents in text mode [pic], as you go.
  12. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: Pic Added to

    • The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox 1 (NPC GEN) + Dungeon Master's Guide (Creating NPCs) complement each other.
  13. Tempered7's Avatar
    This entry is dedicated to claedawg. I hope I make up for the trouble I caused with the hex software from github.
  14. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: As usual, I forgot to add most important info for beginners.

    1- The Toolbox has Wilderness Generator

    Create an empty map. -> Unlock it. -> Check righthand side menu to see the menu button for hex type / size. It's in the far end from Dice icon.
    -> Chose hexagon shape in Grid Type. Enter 100 in Size. You're set.

    2- I roll the tables to chat and add tiles into map accordingly

    See the righthand side menu and find Grid Snap. Turn it on if it's off. This is important to fit the tiles easily. It's under the menu near "Dice" icon.
  15. Tempered7's Avatar
    Brainstorming: I wonder if making a table directly from the tile pictures themselves to roll them for quick access would worth the effort? hmm.
  16. Tempered7's Avatar
    First Edit:

    8- Let's Check Weather:
    Weather tables are from DMG and they are brutal. Toolbox has better tables.
    Updated August 27th, 2024 at 23:11 by Tempered7
  17. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDIT: I've played a small hex-crawl demo to figure it out.

    Here's the notes:
  18. Tempered7's Avatar
    ### PC's Background Story
    EDITED for clarity:
    Mythic's Event Focus: Action & Even Focus: Meaning tables "create story from scratch "


    Mythic's Event Focus: Action & Even Focus: Meaning tables "to add surprise to your scenes"
  19. Tempered7's Avatar
    EDITED: [nope] Dont bother adding LoS to maps [/nope] ->

    Updated August 25th, 2024 at 15:01 by Tempered7
  20. Tempered7's Avatar
    Some Default Behaviors might include:


    Search at the beginning -> Research at the end; traps, secret doors, loot, etc...
    Loot all -> Never touch a dead enemy's pockets
    Always walk with a drawn weapon -> Only draw the weapon if necessary
    Marching order (there is an option for this built in FGU)
    The party torch PC -> Rely on nightvision


    Reckless / Tactical
    Ranged first -> Then melee
    Party Controller / Debuffer
    Healer and the Healer's Protector
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