Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
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  1. How To - create a Help Action

    Entry to show how one might go about creating items / feats / traits within the Character Sheet's Action Tab; to allow a player to track the usage of certain things that have effects.

    In this particular case we will create a Help Action; to be used when you want to help another player during a skill check, or an attack.
    Within the screenshots below the red boxed objects are where you need to focus to create this item within the Actions Tab.
    Attachment 18031 ...
  2. How To - create a Potion of Healing

    Entry to show how one might go about creating items / feats / traits within the Character Sheet's Action Tab; to allow a player to track the usage of certain things that have effects.

    In this particular case a Potion of Healing can be used 1 time, unless you’ve more in your inventory! For this How To I will assume that the player has blown 50gp and bought only 1x Potion of Healing (i.e. if you have more in your inventory just change the X in step 6 accordingly).

    Also ...
Fantasy Grounds Merchandise

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