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  1. How to create - Item "poisoned dagger"

    [SIZE=3][I]"DM's corner or something for better imagination how to make [COLOR="#008000"]"poisoned dagger"[/COLOR] in FG".[/I][/SIZE]


    Maybe could be useful for somebody, especially if you are learning how to use this [B][I]"Great software"[/I][/B].

    Next part will be interesting
    Stay tuned

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...
  2. I'll need some Play-testers soon for Crafting and Professions Rules for 5E D&D

    A while back I blogged about the start of a Crafting/Professions system I'm working on for 5th Edition D&D.

    Things are going swimmingly on my end. I intend to create this whole system as a PDF and a module for use in Fantasy Grounds.
    Behind the curtain, its really some rules/guidelines for how I've expanded on the meager crafting and professions rules/guidelines outlined in the Dungeon Master's Guide. And by expanded, I really mean it.

    In this module/pdf ...

    Updated February 21st, 2017 at 17:26 by Remedeez

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