Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. Test Release v3.3.2

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post

    • Main window and desktop panel positions saved on exit, and restored on start.
    • Sharing state of read-only module content will be remembered between sessions.
    • Campaign passwords can be changed during a session by using the /password chat command.
    • [CoreRPG+] Page navigation buttons added to reference manuals and reference manual pullout pages.
    • [CoreRPG+] Reference manuals and reference manual pullout pages support window re-use when clicking on reference manual
  2. Tomb of Annihilation by Wizard of the Coast

    Screen Shot 09-10-17 at 09.21 PM.PNG

    First Impressions: 4 Stars, 42/50 Points
    I’m really excited about this adventure and I really like how this product has been arranged in Fantasy Grounds. Simply put, there is a massive amount of content that has been expertly put together into what promises to be an exciting adventure and a great resource for expansion and/or homebrew creation.

    The DM and Player ...

    Updated September 11th, 2017 at 05:59 by LordEntrails

    Review , Adventures

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