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  1. Inspiration For Adventure - Swamp Witch

    I draw inspiration for the torture - sorry, adventures - I put my players through from many sources; movies, books, magazine articles, and of course, songs. Swamp Witch by Jim Stafford is one of my favourites - it’s a “southern, Louisiana-style” slow ballad that just drips with adventure ideas and plot. If you can, see if you can locate a copy and have a listen - you’ll be glad you did!

    In the meantime, I’ve written out the lyrics here to provide my fellow ...
  2. Conan 2d20 Impressions

    Who doesn't like Conan, and who wouldn't want a chance to adventure rich world of Robert E Howard? When Shotgun Jolly first pointed me in the direction of Modiphius' 2d20 Conan system in its Kickstarter stage I was initially intrigued.

    After downloading the quick start rules a read, I became really hesitant about looking deeper at what Modiphius was doing with the setting and rules. To be honest I have never played or looked at any of the newer d(x) systems, fate, gumshoe, or anything ...
  3. Is there a Doctor in the house?

    Hi Folks, apologies for not having posted sooner. I haven't been able to catch up with RPGs, FantasyGrounds or gaming in general since earlier this year. Found a rare 15mins and figured I'd swing by just to say Hi and to let all those who have been trying to contact me know that I'll be back shortly and will get around to contacting each of you individually. Bare with me.

    A lot has changed since the start of this year, new FG forum as well as an alpha release of 3.0! I like the new ...
  4. Top RPG Games on Fantasy Grounds through 2020-03

    SmiteWorks released Fantasy Grounds Unity in mid-March. In addition, the global pandemic has forced many local groups to play remotely. As a result, there are increases across the board with new game sessions.

    Corrected Graphs:

    Updated May 28th, 2020 at 18:30 by ddavison

  5. Clang!!! Clang!!! Swoosh!!!

    So I have a hard time imagining anyone on these forums that has never seen the film "A Kight's Tale." Starring Heath Ledger, it tells a Rock and Roll story of a professional jousting knight. Let's just say ... they weren't going for historical accuracy. Still one can draw inspiration for contests to add to your game. Today I offer you the Sword contest.

    Attachment 19585

    Below is an image for such an event along with pennant tokens. To make it ...

    Updated June 28th, 2017 at 20:02 by mhorgunn

    Tags: d&d 5e
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