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  1. The best laid plans....

    OK... so consider this a major step foprward. You see ... Christmas eve, Santa put a huge lump of coal in my stocking. I had a stroke. I an blessed as to how well I an doing. but my vision has been afected and this is as much as i have eebbeen able to use the compuuter. Thekiller is I was just about to retire. Nothing but gaming and art projects ahead. I am struggling to get to reopen the campaign we were in the middle of. I have g00d friends and a suportive wife who knows what gaming means to ...
  2. Musings On Master GMs

    Or How To Spot A Master GM

    I've been around the RPG hobby now for quite a few years (when you see "years" read "decades") and in that time I've come across a few very talented, very knowledgeable and very sought after Game Masters, and recently I've got to wondering what makes these individuals so good at running games. Sure, there are plenty of good GMs around, and there are even a reasonable number of great GMs out there too, but what is it about those special ...

    Updated April 8th, 2016 at 03:19 by dulux-oz

  3. Play It Again, Frodo - Part 2

    by , March 15th, 2014 at 17:54 (From The *Somewhat Twisted* Mind Of Dulux-Oz)
    His course of action was clear. It was simply a matter of split-second timing: ducking the poisoned arrows, leaping lithely between the rotating knives, dodging under the arching cataract of molten lava, fording the piranha-infested lake, sprinting through the blazing refinery, using guile to sidestep the crazed onslaught of the entire Sioux nation, taking advantage of available cover in the ground-level nuclear test zone, holding his breath for the final dash through the airless vacuum of space, ...

    Updated April 8th, 2018 at 18:22 by dulux-oz

    Tags: comedy
  4. Solar Power - Part 2

    by , March 22nd, 2014 at 13:23 (From The *Somewhat Twisted* Mind Of Dulux-Oz)
    “A Mr Sharashta to see you, doctor.” Feizenbaum nodded vaguely; his head still hurt badly from the 140° liquor the night before and he still had to face the fact that his hallucinated devil had left some disturbingly tangible evidence of its visit. He hardly noticed the handsome young man in the Games Workshop T-shirt slip into his office.

    “Ah, Dr. Feizenbaum. If I may use a motoring simile here, I think your brain is still in neutral. Try engaging it into bottom gear. Do you ...
  5. A new video showcasing Fantasy Grounds' support for running a Pathfinder combat.

    I spent some time today putting together a sample video that walks through a fairly typical combat encounter. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a video with pictures and words is probably worth something too.

    Also, if you want to try things out first-hand, there is a free-to-play FG Con IV virtual convention running from May 8-11 where you can download Fantasy Grounds' demo and connect and play on any of the ...
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