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  1. Reference Manual Theming? Success!

    Since pretty much every project I do involves the CoreRPG Reference Manual feature, and I like things as pretty as possible, I thought I'd take a shot at theming the refmanual -- and only the refmanual. That's actually tricky because almost every window template in FG uses the "groupbox" frame so if I changed that one texture, BAM, every single window now uses that texture. Which in the case of what I was doing with Castles & Crusades, looked wonky as hell.

    So I ended ...
  2. Magic Shop & Random Item Rarity Tables by Rob Twohy

    First Impressions: 4 Stars, 40/50 Points
    I really like what Rob has done with these tables. He has sliced and diced the magic item tables from the DMG (and the SRD) all sorts of ways to make it easy for a DM to find or randomly generate magic items. There are a few minor flaws here and there, but nothing that hinders the useful of this module. The key to using this module is to read the Instructions ...
    Review , GM Tools
  3. A heaping help of hit points

    “Please Sir … May I have some … more???”

    Last night, my crew was at long last at that section of Cragmaw Hideout from Lost Mines of Phandelver. It is the stuff of which separates the men from the boys. In different streams I have seen it do a TPK (Total Party Kill.)

    Attachment 17840

    Basically, the party enters into a pitch dark cave. (My players are all humans and need a light source) [3] Sneek past three chained wolves. (The Barbarian threw ...
  4. LFP, Want 5e Fantasy Grounds Play tips, testing, and learning Fantasy Grounds Online!

    I just wanted to let everyone interested in this thread/blog that the school is NOT a proper game, and that the focus is: Learning how to navigate the interface, learning how to create a character, learning some of the chat commands, learning some of the basic game functions and mechanics, and having fun while meeting new people with similar interests. I still want to emphasize Role-play, cooperation, and, fun! I think it makes the game fun and sometimes completely awkward. Also, remember it is ...
  5. Fantasy Grounds Game Sessions through May 2020

    The last blog report had a data issue that has been resolved. If you are looking at old data, please use the updated version posted to the blog for comparison purposes.

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